Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

The largest snakes caught by spiders are up to one meter in length, the smallest only about six centimeters. According to the statistical analysis done by the two researchers, the average length of captured snakes was 26 centimeters. Most of the snakes caught were very young, freshly hatched animals. That some spiders are able to subdue oversized prey is attributable to their highly potent neurotoxins and strong, tough webs.

I always wondered why black widows had such potent venom. Now it makes a lot of sense.

This is gonna sound harsh, but it’s serious advice. I honestly think the number one thing you can do is lose weight.

Your self-esteem and attractiveness will both go up substantially.

If you’re a 30something, non-creepy, 6 foot, 180lb white dude it will be like shooting fish in a fucking barrel (this is barely hyperbole).

If this issue is something that bothers you as much as it clearly does, then you can certainly muster the motivation. If you haven’t sworn off 22, you could make a log in the H&F section there and you will get a ton of useful advice about what to do to lose the weight.


Good luck Iron. Got nothing helpful to say other than I wish you well. Lord knows I have no idea how to date/whatever.

The answer, of course, is available in some Physics Olympiad solutions manual from decades ago.

I’m 6’0” and use to weight 265 lbs. dropped to 200 and my dating game went way up.

I would suggest the slow carb diet not because it is the most effective (although it works) but it’s one of the easier diets to stay compliant with IMO.

Not that you are asking for advice but I figured I would share my experience.

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One lesson is, don’t bet significant amounts against physicists. There’s a good chance you get stiffed. When they bet against each other, it tends to be for peanuts.

Recent reports are negative but EmDrive isn’t quite dead yet. The DARPA project continues.

Reading the news about the stuff happening in Tigray/Ethopia I still have not the faintest clue who are actually the good guys. It seems to be one massacre after another.

Met my partner on Coffee Meets Bagel in 2014.

Fast forward to now when I’m in a Labor & Delivery room at 4AM. It’s a lot of waiting and not able to do much about it.


Cross Post with UK thread… :relieved:

What are the practical implications of this? Is it all about blocking illegal streaming?

Our old school desks are in that school after it got demolished in the 80’s, some of them are original and we had to place books down on the desks just to be able to write on a flat surface as the wood was so ingrained, revarnished that we could not write a sentence without hitting the grooves.

Ours were slightly older and more used with all the carvings down and around the sides.


They were solid, getting you head jammed in one of these was not a good experience :grimacing:

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It’s like virtual whack-a-mole

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This is truly insanity.

A copy of the loan contract reviewed by NPR shows that if Montenegro is not able to repay China’s state-owned Export-Import Bank on time, the bank then has the right to seize land inside Montenegro, as long as it doesn’t belong to the military or is used for diplomatic purposes.

Probably but also…

That is crazy but what’s the link to porn?

I actually just signed up to a new VPN. Hope it isn’t seized.

Holy shit China is using the same strategies banks did to start the depression only their borrowers are countries.

Gonna be nuts when the Chinese government literally owns large parts of developing countries because they can’t pay back their loans.

I was just using your post as a bookmark and trying to get a laugh or smile… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I don’t think there’s any connections tbh apart from maybe people using VPN’s to hide there searches from their other half and sort of knew you’d have a wee smile about them hiding it.


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I feel like I’ve been reading about this for years. They’re investing heavily in places in africa, especially at ports, and if the country can’t pay the debt back in time China basically owns the port now.

After the GOP gets a lock on power for the next decade and employ Trumpian strategy of just pissing everyone off, mostly our allies, its only a matter of time before China takes over as the main super power.

This has been their clear long term game plan in Africa for years/decades. I really loved the book China’s Second Continent, its 7 years old now but provides great insight into what the Chinese presence in Africa looks like on the ground.

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We went to Sri Lanka in Dec 2019. In the capital there is basically a special tax exempt area that is building a shit ton of new high rises. It’s basically all funded by China and is China’s attempt to create a new “Financial Capital” in Asia to take away from Hong Kong and Dubai.