Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

This is stupid and trivial, so I’m not putting it in the building collapse thread.

That being said, this guy is never going to hear the end of it from his girlfriend, and will never be able to break up with her:

Erick de Moura expected to be in his Champlain Towers South condo at the time much of it collapsed.

The only reason he wasn’t: His girlfriend persuaded him to stay with her.

De Moura and his girlfriend, Fernanda Figueiredo, say they believe he is alive because he was not in his unit in the building that collapsed early June 24 in Surfside, Florida.

“I was right at her door, about to leave. And for some reason, she just asked me to stay” in her home nearby, de Moura told CNN’s John Berman in Surfside on Tuesday morning.


They had the most obvious opportunity ever for gratuitous bikini babes and the only woman on that boat was a photographer.

Wouldn’t @iron81 be highly successful on a centrist dating site? He’s as centrist as they come and the ladies would be used to settling for absolute mediocrity.

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Haven’t you been reading Unstuck? There are no centrists.

Met my current gf of 6 years online. I was in my mid 20s and just getting more confident. Always started by talking about an interest they’ve shown or something in their pictures then as you say, try to grab dinner/coffee quickly.

Boom, owned Democrats


Really should just call all Confederate statues Democrat statues.

Hinge looks really cool which is why it sucks that it doesn’t exist in the CR.

I’m on Bumble. Swiped right on some but got no reply. Bumble keeps sending me ads saying X amount of women liked me. See who did by upgrading to premium. Pretty annoying.

My new Dark Horse pick for future Republican Presidential nominee is Brian Mast. Guy is a straight up psycho and a fascist. He’s extremely charismatic and has no issue lying in the most blatant and shameless ways.

Lincoln was a Republican, lotta people don’t know that.


The govt UAP report couldn’t even for sure exclude the possibility they are US military vehicles. Therefore

Took a quick scan through this and the biggest take away imo is that chicks dig it when you spill coffee on yourself.

And for the ladies - try ovulating!

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Aren’t like 90%+ of UFO sightings in the USA? That stat alone always discredited alien theories imo.

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News to me. Could be the case that Russia and China have been more successful in suppressing UAP reports.

The US govt report only included sightings made by US military personnel. The speculation is that if it’s US, UAPs are showing interest in our military so that it’s less suspicious that they are also checking out Russian or Chinese military assets.

This is all super speculative ofc. Not quite to Iron’s ex level, but pretty far out.

New Chris Hayes podcast on UFOs.

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Did not know Reagan and Carter saw UFOs.

I like Chris Hayes trying to maintain intellectual integrity about this. Very hard to appropriately weight the evidence. If you don’t dismiss it outright, you start to feel like you must have accidentally divided by zero.

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I’ve had girlfriends where I’d prefer dying in a building collapse to spending more time with them.

Being trapped with them under a collapsed building would be the worst of outcomes then.