Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Straya! #1 most read article on WaPo.

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Yeah, this has been a story here for a number of weeks. It’s pretty bad.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Life Expectancy and Capitalism

life expectancy and capitalism excized.

Don’t you routinely tell us all governments should be abolished?

In after the snip.

So you’re talking about other conversations?

Yeah, but this conversation has been about what capitalism and socialism is and are not. Not about anarchism.

But I have also said abolishing government is exactly the same as abolishing organized crime. Not going to happen. My advocacy is around living one’s own life in the closest approximation of the anarchist (mostly anarcho-syndicalist) ideal. I’m not a revolutionary at all.

Careful - for some reason people get very inexplicably angry when you post her.

Really? I must have missed that drama.

Basically all the replies are people yelling at him about the power grid.

regardless of his power grid being on fire, where is he getting the money for this

I think you know: Mexico


Did not see this coming.

Wow that’s surprising and awesome. Same one explain why the republicans did that

Chapo had this as a reading series on the most recent ep.

This woman is mad that Chipotle prices have increased 4% because the uppity poors are demanding bigger wages.

Chicken bowl, brown rice, black and pinto beans, pico, hot salsa, lettuce, cheese, sour cream — that’s all I want. And I want it for $7.60 plus tax. Thanks to the ill-named American Rescue Plan and remarkably short-sighted employment decisions, the federal government has jacked up the price of my Chipotle order.

Sure, the restaurant is the one raising its prices by about 4 percent, but the federal government is the cause.

Did you catch that? Restaurants have had to bribe current and prospective workers with fatter paychecks to lure them off their backsides and back to work. That’s what happens when the federal government steps in with a sweet unemployment deal, incentivizing workers do a little less labor and a little more lounging.

Well, you’re never going to guess what Will Menaker found after the ep.

I don’t get it. Why didn’t she just get a job at Chipotle if she needed some money?


It’s easy and their donors don’t care. It doesn’t help anyone vote.

Eta: wait, are we talking about Democrats or Republicans? Oh well, doesn’t really matter.

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Life is good man. Just doing dad stuff


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