Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

And that is because they’ve been in debt slavery since slavery slavery.

There’s a class action that got settled about discrimination in USDA loans and these white farmers are suing to block the USDA from helping black farmers get out of debt slavery.

Yeah it’s all pretty fucked up actually.

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After, except I have two preschoolers who I want to get to bed by 8, so dinner is at 6 sharp for now.

To add, if it’s a date night or something and the girls are with the grandparents, we’re looking for reservations ~7:30 unless there’s a movie or some other activity planned as well that would cause a time adjustment. That always seems to be one of the first times to be unavailable at popular places.


My shifts used to end at 7pm or 7am so we did dinner for three years at 7:30-8 every night

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The only clear mistake is “Whenever.” Eating at random times can’t be good for you.

Though I don’t know much about nutrition, I at least glance at stuff google says I should be interested in and I’m not aware of any study that backs that up. But then I also sleep and get up whenever so here’s nat


I have had pretty bad nausea the last couple of weeks. Maybe random eating contributes to that, idk.

Crazy that you two don’t read NYT’s Tick-Tack-Toe coverage. Where do you go stay up on the sport, lolespn? C’mon now.


Hmm. Never heard of it. Super quick google says it has to do with hunger but that isn’t normally an issue for me. At least not so much since I did a 10 day fast a year ago and I understood how much of it is mental. Hormones seem like beyond my understanding complex so I guess there’s more to it. I’ll do some more research, thanks.


I don’t know about that. Most of human history was spent eating when they could, hand to mouth…while trying to avoid spears obviously.

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This isn’t really true. Prehistoric humans had lots of ways to smooth out the food access curve, including caches, dried foods, prescribed burns, reciprocity, moving to new niches, and of course eventually agriculture.


Yeah, grabbing as much food as you can and immediately shoving it into your face as fast as possible is a more accurate description of contemporary Americans than prehistoric humans. When your food supply is unstable you are more likely to spend time and effort smoothing out consumption.

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I gave you a like - but I wanted to further say this is something I’ve never thought of before - really interesting. Thanks.

Average age of the before group is high enough to be eligible for benefits

Ha, pretty sure I’m older than all those guys.

The slate behavioral euthanasia article really bugs me. Not enough information in it to really make a judgment, but it feels like she was surprised her rescue dog didn’t act just like her childhood dog right out the gate.

Sure, but we’d need another step to show that that was a good thing. Most of human history was sub-optimal.

That feeling of being a sucker is what happens when the value of your labor is being expropriated. You’re not the first to make this kind of point regarding the employer-employee relationship under capitalism. It is similar to the critiques made by Adam Smith, David Ricardo, [gasp] Karl Marx, anarchists, communists, socialists, etc. Although, we tend not to call our fellow workers “suckers”.

Under capitalism, the employers are also known as capitalists. If you despise the employers in a capitalist system, then you despise capitalists. If you despise capitalism’s employer-employee relationship, then you actually despise capitalism. Welcome, comrade! :grin:

Kind of head scratching that you’ve spent the last couple years calling me and other anti-capitalist UP posters names, and telling us that we “have no idea what [we] are talking about”, for expressing similar criticisms of capitalism’s relationships between the owning class and the working class.


Maybe people should work for themselves and with each other as partners and participate in free markets with others.

See Anarcho-Syndicalism


134 posts were split to a new topic: Life Expectancy and Capitalism


A French coastal community has finally cracked the mystery behind the Garfield telephones that have plagued its picturesque beaches for decades.