Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Farmers and meat producers seem to be the most entitled whiny govt teat suckers of anyone.


Joe: - Hey Vladimir, did you hear the one about trmp and bibi losing elections and being on trial?

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This also is incredibly effective propaganda for companies. Precovid, many people spent more hours per day with colleagues than with their family. I think its actually pretty natural in that environment for your brain chemistry to start fucking up the mapping and assigning emotions and instincts to coworkers that are supposed to be reserved for family. Like I’ve seen people have total meltdowns at work because their boss quit. They feel like their parent abandoned them.


There’s a lot of competition for this title.


[moved to different thread]

I was such a terrible employee. I’m a great partner and a great vendor, but if your plan is to get massively more out of me than you’re putting in… well that’s not going to work out. They call that lazy I guess. I call giving someone 75% of your productivity in exchange for a ‘steady’ paycheck that they’ll take away from you the instant they don’t need you being a sucker. There are few feelings I experience as being more unpleasant than being a sucker.

Weirdly I’m also totally incapable of doing that to someone else. I absolutely despise the employer side of the employer-employee relationship too.

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This sounds right, and also consistent with the decline in the health of the workplace. The realness of workplace relationships has been in steep decline in the 20 years I’ve been working. Maybe its just my industry/location but I dont think so. Workplace behaviors seems to me to be increasingly Soviet in nature. And I dont mean the stuff about the techbros who feel persecuted because they can’t sexually harass women anymore. I mean the breathless phony management speak about Our Vision, etc. It all crumbles on examination because every commitment to Value X expressed via purple prose collapses at the faintest headwind of lagging sales or poor EPS results. When i started working it sucked that every leader was a 54 year old white male with a competitive streak, but at least he said what he meant.

Most of us just call it a job. Do you think it should be impossible for employers to dismiss employees that they no longer need?


Well in our case we were sort of like the plucky Dirty Dozen group who produced great stuff because we were working with interesting new technologies and liked working with other, but drove our bosses crazy because we refused to do any of the corporate BS. We worked long hours because we didn’t want to let our teammates down. It had nothing to do with love for the company. Smart bosses realized what they had and just stayed out of the way.

Bill Russell said his dad always told him, “Son, if the man asks you for 8 hours, give him 9. That way you can look any man on the job site straight in the eye and tell him to go to hell.”

That’s always been my philosophy. I love being so productive that I can piss on the boss’ desk and there isn’t a damn thing s/he can do about it, because I’m too essential. Not that I make a habit of it. But it’s nice to know I can. I’d rather work 12 hour days on something I get satisfaction out of than one hour days having to grovel and kiss someone’s ass.

I also think you eventually get rewarded for hard work in one way or another. In my case I was making very good money and got a big retention bonus towards the end of my time at dtv.


Its possible to collect a steady paycheck for way less than 75% of productivity.

I think the real suckers are the people who work 120% of a FTE workload assuming that being really good at something makes them valued and appreciated. The only rational approaches in the current purely psychopathic corporate environment are:

  1. Keep a low level job doing something that has to be done but do minimal work. You are neither expensive enough to target in a downsizing nor are you easy enough to lay off because someone will have to pick up your work

  2. Bullshit non stop, learn all the right words and corporate double speak, and change jobs every three years grabbing a pay increase each time.

2 is very unnatural for most people, its the “cant beat 'em join 'em” approach to dealing with the toxic workplace. 1 is more natural and actually where a lot of the workforce settles in.


No I think you should figure out how to become a freelancer with skills people will pay good money for.

I’m only speaking for myself. I can sell, so the barriers to gainful self employment are extremely low.

Also I physically can’t do either of modefs solutions to this problem.

It’s especially possible in computer programming. I’ve worked 2-4 hours/day since lockdown started and I’m getting a promotion.


Yep, this is the healthiest environment. I have worked in two teams like this. Its only possible when people are actually very strong at their jobs, which is less common than it used to be. Technical competency is less and less valued every year. Lots of companies are full of VPs that don’t know how anything works because they have bought into the concept of abstract leadership as its own field. This would be ok if they were actually any good at it.

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Cannot stress enough that my employment experiences were my own, and while I was an incredible fit for the actual work I was a terrible personality fit for the way low wage employees get routinely treated in America.

I’ve been a on my own since 2016 and it’s fantastic for me at least.


If I suggest the obviously genius business ideas of paying more and not being dicks, people look at me like I’m out of my mind.

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Biden: *whispers* You wanna talk UFOs?
Putin: *whisper’s back* Da. You got good video, comrade?

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We should maybe have a dedicated foreign policy thread. In any event, I thought this deal would fall apart when i heard about it last week.