Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

The whole “that’s not what the law says” is because this is why the law was written

Texas will thrown in LGBT in there as well though

Cyber Czar.

Carein. Chaireen. Kairein.

This person is insane, but not obviously wrong about banning Dum Dums, Smarties, and Jolly Ranchers.


I found myself nodding in agreement more than I’d like to admit:

–Dum Dums, Smarties, and Jolly Ranchers are definitely low tier candy. And you can’t really make it up in quanitity
–Peeps candies are an abomination
–I especially liked the appeal to opportunity cost. Come on, spidercrab. How could you not love that?


What makes them insane is not their beliefs, but that they’re willing to share them publicly.

Should have linked my already-public views on garbage candy:

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More importantly, it also makes them hilarious.

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Yes, he’s right about premium candy but wrong about Full vs. Fun sized bars.

He’s also wrong about 4-6 being the Fun-to-Full conversion factor, the correct answer is 3.6 but I would round down to 3. Getting 3 fun-sized premium bars (Milky Way, Snickers, 3Musketeers, etc.) from a house would get them a 5-star rating imo.

Fun size bars allow for better portion control for smaller kids, and also allow variety within the same candy “meal”. Eating 3 different fun size bars is almost always better than a single full size.

Edit: Dang, I took too long and allowed serious business strike content to interrupt the candy conv!


I enjoy still picking Jolly Ranchers out of my teeth 3 days later.

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If they are such an affluent neighborhood why do their grubby little street urchin children need to go around begging for candy like commoners?


The best was the old lady who would buy all our World’s Finest chocolate bars throughout the year, then give them back to us at Halloween. She got hit up early and often.

We had a house who would take a group of unaccompanied kids down to the basement and put on a mini-Haunted House for us. Lol the 70s.


Uh, it’s trick or treat. They’re learning valuable skills related to coercion and extortion that will apply to most of their jobs later in life.


I got a job through a temp agency at a Coca Cola warehouse the week after a woman had been killed in the pallet stacker. It had two sides, and you had to remember to turn both off before going in to clean it (great design!). She forgot one side, triggered the electric eye, and the stacker broker her neck and nearly decapitated her.

I was her replacement. Needless to say the other employees were pretty freaked out.

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How else can the show off the expensive costumes?

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Yeah, there was a lot of wrong in there too. I was just focusing on the things I agreed with in my earlier post.

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You chew on a jolly rancher?

You suck your candy to completion?


Are you seriously trying to argue that sucking to completion isn’t superior?


We lived across the street from a bar in Detroit when I was a kid. Back then only the really little kids had parental supervision, so we would trick or treat at the bar.

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