Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Right turns are tricky at first with straight trucks but other than that are pretty easy imo. I did pull up to a coffee kiosk in one once (not a U-haul but straight truck) and took out the gutter though. My coworker had done the same thing a year or so earlier with same lady working in same truck. :laughing:

I went out to buy some vegetables. There’s supposed to be a city up ahead. With mountains in the background. I should have stayed home and smoked a cigarette instead.

Local news says Salt Lake has the worst air quality in the world today. We’re number one!


Yeah, this is what we did for our move. And then the move is fully on your time rather than on the moving company’s time.

First time I tried that, when I got to my new place the people unloading the truck never showed and I had to scramble to call a bunch of friends to help me unload the truck. Second time they were only an hour late. Also got hit by a blizzard both times (once it was late October ffs) and had to drive the truck in near zero visibility.

The aunt I previously said that I accused of being in a cult was moving from our city a decade or so ago and for some reason I can’t remember I had to go over there. She thought a good tip was buying them KFC. The plates on the moving trucks were from 4 states away and they didn’t seem local. They saw my music stickers and asked if I had a joint. Kicked them down a few joints. Not sure the moral of the story.


Back when I moved from North Carolina to Seattle, Uhaul wanted $2.5k just to rent the truck to drive across the country AND we had to be there in 7-10 days. Note that it was 2 people living in a 1 BR apt and we got rid of all of our furniture, so not a big truck.

We ended up buying an old school bus for $1.2k and packed it full of our stuff. We meandered along seeing family, friends, Badlands, Devil’s Tower, Wall Drug, and all the other sites along the way for the next 4 weeks using the bus as both storage and as a camper. After finding an apartment and getting settled in Seattle, we put the bus on craigslist and promptly sold it for $4.5k.

All that to say, you can make money on your move but probably unlikely moving within the same state. That sure was a good trip though.


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That’s the best moving story I’ve heard. Great job.

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in lol haralabob tweet news

Liz Warren an attack dog for the banks lmaoooooo

What the fuck is he talking about? I’m quite sure Liz Warren wants to tax the shit out of both banks and rich people.

She wants to regulate crypto.

Hahaha of course. Good forbid something whose proven uses are (checks notes) buying drugs and child porn, tax evasion and money laundering be subject to literally any regulation.


When you valet your car at a hotel that you’re staying at for ~1 wk which of these tipping protocols is correct:

  • every time you leave
  • every time you arrive
  • every time you leave and every time you arrive
  • not that posh to get a car valeted

Every time you leave.


If I’m feeling super baller I’ll tip at drop off but normally just when I pick it up.


Every time>at drop off>at pick up

Extra at check in and out.

Some dude at my gym gave me one of these things he was trying to market. It holds books or magazines open when you need your hands free.

For 15 years that thing just collected dust until I finally decided this is ridiculous and got rid of it. Now of course I just realized it would be perfect for transcribing my notes that I make in books I’m using for research for the book I’m writing.

Lesson: always hoard.

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