Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

With the number of guns that are already in circulation, what does banning assault rifles actually accomplish?

Feels like an ideological win that won’t mean
much in the grand scheme.

Soon enough, AI systems will be able to take out active shooters. Of course, that level of control just brings up even more concern.

I just started listening to the 5-4 podcast. In the first episode (Bush vs Gore) they make the same claim that you are commenting on.

I guess, I dunno. The gun nut jackoffs have been demonstrably wrong for decades and caused an incomprehensible amount of misery, fuck them all.

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In 1972, a team of MIT scientists got together to study the risks of civilizational collapse. Their system dynamics model published by the Club of Rome identified impending ‘limits to growth’ (LtG) that meant industrial civilization was on track to collapse sometime within the 21st century, due to overexploitation of planetary resources.

Herrington’s new analysis examines data across 10 key variables, namely population, fertility rates, mortality rates, industrial output, food production, services, non-renewable resources, persistent pollution, human welfare, and ecological footprint. She found that the latest data most closely aligns with two particular scenarios, ‘BAU2’ (business-as-usual) and ‘CT’ (comprehensive technology).

“BAU2 and CT scenarios show a halt in growth within a decade or so from now,” the study concludes. “Both scenarios thus indicate that continuing business as usual, that is, pursuing continuous growth, is not possible. Even when paired with unprecedented technological development and adoption, business as usual as modelled by LtG would inevitably lead to declines in industrial capital, agricultural output, and welfare levels within this century.”

Unfortunately, the scenario which was the least closest fit to the latest empirical data happens to be the most optimistic pathway known as ‘SW’ (stabilized world), in which civilization follows a sustainable path and experiences the smallest declines in economic growth—based on a combination of technological innovation and widespread investment in public health and education.

Blaming the rubes in the South feels misplaced to me.

We all support gun culture in one way or another. John Wick for example.

Cross post from climate change thread:

Should update thousand to “score”.

We can stop gun culture by maybe taking their fucking guns away.

Pre-pandemic we had multiple mass shootings a week. An entire generation of middle schoolers thinks it’s just normal that school shootings happen. These people have lost the argument and their murder toys need to be taken away from them.

Oh and just let the King of England waltz back in and take over? No thank you.


Seems like a good batch. If you’re not actually an opera nerd I can assure you that Justino Diaz is the shit. I can live without Bette Midler, but they never seem to ask me about these things.

Voting can’t be denied on account of age or race or a few other things. It can be denied on other criteria. For example, there is no constitutional provision that prevents non-citizens from voting. Federal law does that. In the absence of a federal law, states are free to allow them to vote–and some do in local elections–but non-citizens don’t have a right to vote in the same way they have a right to free speech or against self- incrimination.

So states can’t explicitly abridge voting on account of race, but states can get away with indirectly doing so if the Supreme Court allows it. The current court seems more inclined to let states get away with more shenanigans than in the past.

I just can’t see that being a solution that results in less violence.

As sad as mass shootings are, they were inevitable in a country with our relationship to the ME.

The Biden administration recently signed massive arms deals with the UAE and Israel.

Solutions born out of identity politics won’t work.

Homesteading and getting out into the community and doing positive work are our best chance. (I’m typing this last sentence to myself; not at you or anyone in particular).

so it’s not an absolute right, ok fine, but it is an explicit one. there are plenty of rights that are explicitly mentioned in the constitution that have exceptions or whatnot.

Voting is treated as a privilege rather than a right.

ok, maybe, but that is a different than your claim that it’s not explicitly in the consitution.

There’s nothing anywhere close to the language of the right to vote constitutional amendment sponsored by Mark Pocan.

Have you not seen Robocop?

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Here’s a situation I could use some advice on.

The Melkersons were scheduled to fly nonstop out of Chicago tonight on Southwest Airlines. Flight scheduled for later this evening was canceled this morning (notified by text message). After spending hours on the phone, the best Southwest could do is get us on a non-direct flight tomorrow, which would be suboptimal for numerous reasons.

So we found a flight ourselves on United that leaves around the same time and just booked the flight. That cost about $1200. Southwest will certainly refund the flights we didn’t use, which amounts to about $500. The plan will be to call Southwest on Monday and extract the $700 difference from them one way or another.

Any tips on what I can do to increase the chances of success? Anyone had any similar experiences.

FWIW, the reason they gave for canceling the flight is that they “picked up some new routes” and needed the plane for one of those (i.e., not weather-related or anything else that was not completely under their control).

Ive had luck complaining to Amex in these situations, assuming you booked with one. Chase may be good too.

Booked with AMEX, but plebe amex, not platinum

ME=Middle East? What does the ME have to do with mass shootings?

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