Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I feel like we’ve had a ton of how do I move to Canada posts here and on 22 and not a single one makes it seem that easy.

Not even an edge case. More ambiguously, the US has Guantanamo.

That’s not a land border.

And Gitmo doesn’t count. That’s technically a lease.

I just did the questionnaire and my score was pretty low. Maybe this guy had something to inflate his score a bit. I think I’d be just about the model immigrant among people without a job offer. Except for age, I guess. I assume I’d get more pts if I were younger.

Topologists recognize Palestine, that’s the really interesting thing.

But only the West Bank!

Nothing there about a land border

Nothing? The entire diagram only has countries touching that have land borders touching.

If they counted sea borders the whole thing would look different.

Again, now sorry that I brought this up, but my original point is that this map is dumb and misleading and not topology, not that it fails to implement its own dumb rules. But there is that as well.

If you’re considering water - every non-landlocked nation borders every other non-landlocked nation in real life and in the map. The point is not the amount of spacing between things but if they touch or not.

I was at 409 and I thought that was low. It’s good for the Canadian Experience Category (for which I don’t qualify), but it’s not good for the other categories (I think).

Great! Actually all the countries of the world are connected - albeit in a complex and dynamic web of spatial relations that is in no way pointed to by this awful graphic. Also you are just making up rules that contradict this maps own description of itself. It specifically points out that Brunei is connected to Africa despite having no land connection (although the claim that this effect is “interesting” is a little optimistic imo).

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Well Malaysia has a land connection to the mainland, and Brunei and Indonesia have a land connection to Malaysia. So you have to figure out some way to draw that. It’s an edge case.

You are mad because this map isn’t what you want it to be. I’ve always been fascinated by what borders what, so I like this map because it isolates exactly that.

Made me think of @Smacc_25.


It’s back baby!


Insult to injury, DS’ dim view of UT physics is better justified now.

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I went to St Andrews, it’s pretty accurate.


Help me out here.

I have a constitutional right to vote. Needing to show ID disproportionately & negatively impacts PoC from taking action on this right, therefore it’s racist.

I have a constitutional right to own guns. Needing to show ID disproportionately & negatively impacts PoC from taking action on this right. This isn’t racist because…

The 2nd Amendment is bullshit.

Not good enough, basically conceding the argument to Trumpers taking that line.