If I suggest the obviously genius business ideas of paying more and not being dicks, people look at me like I’m out of my mind.
Biden: *whispers* You wanna talk UFOs?
Putin: *whisper’s back* Da. You got good video, comrade?
We should maybe have a dedicated foreign policy thread. In any event, I thought this deal would fall apart when i heard about it last week.
I read a great line that I’m trying to sneak into my book somehow: “Harry has over-egged his pudding” in the context of meaning got out ahead of his skis or something like that.
eta: Though I have no idea what they’re singing about. They may well not be saying “oh cool, Nazi fashion is great” like the BTC thing.
Probably a bit unfair to call them a Nazi band but at the same time, come on man…
Some words & phrases you might be interested in…
Whit’s fur ye’ll no go by ye - This is another way to say ‘what will be will be’. It is the basis of if something is made for you, like a new job, then it will come to you, and there’s no use in worrying over it.
Fur a barry poster & a canny wee lad, and a bit radge if I say so myself, I canny imagine ever ster’tin a book as I wid’nae have a Scooby Wur tae Stert.
I suppose so. Am told they apologized and are just morons.
Yeah. I suspect the text at the beginning is some kind of apology.
Wow the bread people are insane. (I wanted to make a Doors reference here, but it would have been half-baked.)
One thing to note about those percentages, I’d be surprised if 5% of farms in the US are owned by black people.