Winnie the Coup: Xi under house arrest?

ETA: when even Matt Drudge isn’t bother to post something on it, it’s probably bullshit.

Second Edit: Agree that the title is elite.

Everything I’ve heard about this has been funneled through right wing nutjobs.

brag: i saw this news on russian telegram four hours before any other conspiroblog picked it up. that’s how i immediately knew it was a fake launched by rt/et al.

beat: i spend way too much time on telegrams

variance: we might have two dictator regimes on the precipice of falling. to also witness a china coup would be a unicorn event.

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Don’t worry guys, Newsweek is on the case.


They might feel our banana republic is ripe for the picking.

If not for the US tit-for-tat cancelling flights to China plus me getting Covid I’d be in phase two of quarantine in China right now.

Ok yeah maybe a coup whatever the fuck Jesus Christ I just want to see my wife


I took a day off so this confirms a feeling I have that my shit posting is the only thing keeping the world from collapsing into a black hole.


Thank you for your service!

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