Will this country be livable in 4 years?

He was fine as governor of MA and hates trump s much as anyone in here. I know he was pretty sleepy in the private sector tho.

I concede this round. Being the best Republican is like the guy that watches his buddies rape a girl but didn’t try to stop them or call the police.

I believe that, but it’s not the way you usually post.

I didn’t say I preferred it, but I live a boring life where COVID hasn’t made much of a dent in my non-existent social life. I’m cultural Midwestern in a lot of ways except for food. I don’t know if I’d enjoy living in California or New York City.

If one of your biggest complaints is that the people around you have shitty taste in restaurants, what’s wrong with dining alone or cooking at home for most meals?

I’m fine either way, but it’s hardly just the food. I like to go to different kinds of places and have different experiences, see different people, hear different languages etc and that’s true even if it’s mom and pop WASP as opposed to box store or chain restaurant.

It’s a symptom of the problem. Not the problem itself.

Sometimes, I think the problem is that Americans have become too much of a leisure class and we need a period of reeducation where people are constrained from conspicuous consumption.

Maybe some of them should die.

That’s what keeps me up at night. We have no hope for tackling the other much larger and much tougher battles ahead like climate change if we can’t stop rampant consumerism for a few months for Covid.

Will it matter much which country we live in when the effects of climate change become unbearable? If the US is fucked in that regard, is any place better?

Gonna be fun when we invade Canada!!!

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My brothers step son is in the process of moving to California, they put it off this year because of Covid-19 and I still think its the SiL wife’s dream move, worked for 10 years to be able to do so.

They asked me a little about California & due to respect for my brother I kept it clean… No there not rich enough to move into a prime place & I suspect there budget is around £200,000, so maybe £150,000 for a house.

The wife is a qualified nurse & is raving about the wages over there… :grimacing:

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We’ll have to change our definition of livable.

But in all seriousness, most people will remain livable.

The transition between the two is often chaotic and deadly.

The split of Czechoslovakia was a rare exception of a transition being bloodless.

But yes, I lived in China and it was pretty mundane. Then again it wasn’t quite as restrictive in 2011 as it is now.

This is a sadly common thing, people will post on Reddit about the amazing $110k salary job offers they got, excited to get advice spending their windfall only to find out they’re technically below the poverty line and will be lucky to afford renting a modest apartment.

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110k/yr for an individual in LA would still be a fine life

$110k a year for a family is a fine life in LA.

They’re probably not going to be able to buy a house. It would have to be way outside of the major cities and then the salaries won’t be so high. They might be able to pull that off though.

Renting a small house or nice apartment in a good area in the cities is definitely doable assuming your definition of ‘good area’ isn’t absurd.

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I should have said “ballin” instead of “fine”

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My advice was to search high and wide for affordable accommodation for themselves & that they check out the Health care plan prices before going, both have decent chances at employment when they arrive…

I’ll need to ask how their plans are going and get back itt at some point in 2021…:facepunch:

More like 4 weeks.