Who will run in 2020?


Thatā€™s basically everything Iā€™d say to him yup.

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in to laugh hysterically and cry tears of joy at Biden (-13)

Iā€™ve been sure for quite a while that Biden has no actual shot. Heā€™s just completely awful and heā€™s up against the best field Iā€™ve ever seen (there are multiple Obama level political candidates in this field).



eh, nobody in this field has near the level of obamaā€™s charisma

Just need someone whose charisma is halfway between Obama and Hillary.

Dwayne The Rock Johnson gives Warren a shout-out and yā€™all worry that she isnā€™t likeable enough. wtf.


If yaaa smeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllelelelelelelellllllllll





Moving Liz down my rankings

The Rock is a Republican based on his past history, so hmm.

Liz is a Republican based on her past history.


Beat me to it

What point are you making? The Rock probably voted for Trump.

What was your point? That we shouldnā€™t vote for The Rock for POTUS? Ok, good one. Seems like you were trying to say it reflected badly on Liz.

That itā€™s odd that heā€™s behind Liz. It doesnā€™t reflect badly on her at all, it reflects good on him. Tabbaker is the one who says it reflects badly on Liz.

I think itā€™s possible that The Rock isnā€™t a hardcore ideologue. Heā€™s supposed to be like the worldā€™s friendliest person. I bet he likes some Democrats and some Republicans.

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I did work for several of his early movies, and he has a very pranky slightly douchelike personality with a bit of a mean streak. The dude is just loaded with charisma, though, and I thought it was super obvious he was going to become a mega movie star.

I think heā€™s very likable and would probably be a favorite to win pres in this climate, but then heā€™d have to say whether heā€™s a Dem or Rep. In Hollywood, the vast majority of people you work with will be liberal, so you have to get along to make it. Heā€™s not a stupid guy at all.

Heā€™s said he didnā€™t vote in 2016. Former registered Republican who spoke at the 2000 GOP convention (albeit in a non-partisan effort to support voter registration), but voted for Obama twice and became independent. He doesnā€™t reveal much about his policy beliefs, but has said he opposes the Muslim travel ban and would probably have knelt of he were an NFL player.

I feel like he would support a non-racist Republican over a lot of Democrats. Since those are in short supply, I suspect his choice is between a Democrat and not voting and he believes that Trump is outrageously racist, so I think he would have a high tolerance for what sort of Dem he would support.


Ive tried to find our but gave up kind of quick because i dont think he is going anywhere. But what are his policies on social programs that help the poor? Are they all gone when the free money kicks in?

Because if the freedom dividend means no snap or other programs no ty.