Who will run in 2020?


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At the risk of becoming a pariah, Iā€™d rather the Dems back off of guns than supporting civil rights if they need votes from yokels.


Last I checked the candidate with the longest record of civil rights activism is handily beating Trump in heads-up polling. This idea that our nation is full of persuadable diner patrons is NYT gaslighting.


We need their votes for sure. Also we really need to stop doing stuff like calling them yokels. Thereā€™s a reason why the GOP didnā€™t want AOC to go meet a bunch of coal miners. That would have been a disaster for them.

We can win these people super easily by offering to actually help them. It helps that the overlap between what helps them and what helps POCā€™s has a shitload of overlap.

This is what Iā€™d show them if they donā€™t like being called yokels. (NSFW I guess if your boss is in charge of what you can and canā€™t watch)

Eh. The Yokels were the ones in the right when the cities in the Northeast decided to not vote for William Jennings Bryan. That was a huge establishment ā€˜divide and conquerā€™ victory and ever since the urban working class and the rural working class have been on opposing sides.

Unifying the working class inside one party would change the politics of this country forever. Making fun of the working class voters on the other side isnā€™t helping anything.

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I wonā€™t post the video again, but I trust everyone is going to watch it for a second time.

Apropos of nothing, that leaves me wanting to see this:

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John Delaneyā€™s Rise To The Nomination - 2020 Democratic Primaries

alternatively Do Nothing Democrat Destruction Derby 2020


Ha ha, love that.

Sometime itā€™s almost like when I hear someone is religious, Iā€™m like, thatā€™s the way, donā€™t conform.

But my atheism remains secure, even with Sam Harris in the world.

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I tried to listen to Chapo but just did not take to it. Intellectually, I agree with Riv, too superficial. As entertainment, Iā€™d like it as a participant at a bar, but as a podcast thereā€™s too much dreck to wade through to find the inspired spots.

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Itā€™s not clever but someone had to do it:

MB, your writing off a large section of society hurts my heart. Arkansas went 65% for Trump, and 65% for raising the minimum wage. There is potential. There are so many kind people who believe what they do only halfheartedly, because everyone around them has always thought that way.

Seriously, watch The Free State of Jones.

Winning over all who can be won over is much preferable to facing them in militias. I am not naive about the challenge, I frigging live here.

Iā€™m not writing anyone off and Iā€™ve said many times that places like West Virginia and Oklahoma are places where there has been a big left-wing. And the white people there are not all racists either.

Still, Barbara Streisand video. I promise not to get my jimmies rustled if you make fun of Californians.

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