Who will run in 2020?

This had already been covered and debunked. Too lazy to go find all of it.

I don’t think this is the right crowd to call uninformed about a candidate’s positions


The post about the campaign staffer was silly, but broadly attacking the intelligence of the forum in response, rather than the content of the posts or quality of the issues doesn’t seem appropriate.

It has happened many times before with broadly painting anyone against Pete as homophobes, all Bernie supporters as bros who harass women online, among other generalizations usually to deflect from actual policy criticisms against him.


…Had to have high, high hopes for a living

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That’s my issue with him as well, but when I said this forum is dismissive of his position I meant nobody recognized he had established himself as the second choice behind Biden.

Well the front page of WaPo right now has a headline saying he thinks his experience as a gay white male helps him understand the black experience. I’m sure skydiver could explain how that’s not really what he said but politically it doesn’t matter.

:roll_eyes: This forum is a bubble. Everywhere is a bubble, it’s neither possible nor advisable to be receptive to all information, but this forum especially is a pretty tight bubble. If you don’t recognize that you’re going to be vulnerable to a number of cognitive biases.


You answered your own question,



This was the main thesis of my post. The fact that you missed it or didn’t understand the relevance to the quote you selected blunts whatever kind of dunk you thought you were making.

My point is he has a bigger coalition than just progressives otherwise he wouldn’t poll better than Hilary in swing states.

Wasn’t trying to dunk but I understand this is the internet so we tend to interpret things as more hostile than it really is.


Some of the questions are problematic but there’s no way to avoid that. There was one question that asked if you believe some criminals are beyond rehabilitating. I don’t think anyone in the world believes you can rehabilitate 100% of criminals. So you have to choose between answering the literal question or making a judgment call about the spirit of the question since you know what they’re going for.


I felt dirty but had to go with ‘Agree’ for that one because fuck international law as it stands. Couldn’t find up to date stats quickly, but as of 2016 only African people had ever been tried at the ICC, which is about all you need to know.


Yeah. I picked “strongly” on the one about rehabilitation being the point rather than punishment, but on the one you’re talking about I was thinking rehabilitation isn’t 100% and didn’t pick “strongly”.


Basically, but that answer makes you say that at least sometimes war is good. That’s the dirty part.

Wasn’t Milosevic tried there?

There was a specific court for the former Yugoslavia - I think it predated the ICC.

“He reminds everyone of their favorite grandson,” said Sean Bagniewski, the Democratic chair in Polk County, which includes Des Moines.


“I have to think that some older voters see Pete as the son they’d want to have — very smart, respectful of traditional institutions like the church and the military, and relentlessly cheerful and optimistic about what America can be,” Mr. Grennan said.


Several caucusgoers said they had seen him on television, in interviews and debates, and more recently, in ads. Since September, he has blanketed the airwaves in the state, which could be helping him with older voters who are more likely to be watching television without skipping commercials.


Asked in the interview why he was having more trouble connecting with younger voters, he pointed to their “strong sense of impatience about the changes that need to come and the extent to which it feels like they’ve grown up in an America that just tolerates the intolerable.” But he said he was also working to convince young people to come around to his more tempered vision for change.

“The case I’m making is that my proposals are plenty big,” he said.


Martha Berry, 72, of Mount Ayr, Iowa, said Mr. Buttigieg “looks like he’s really well put together and a well-rounded young man,” favorably comparing him to John F. Kennedy.

“Young Kennedy was just barely of age to come into the presidency,” she said. “And he did a great job.”


Before an event in Denison, as a snowstorm that threatened Thanksgiving travel loomed, Rick Crampton, 63, of rural Kiron, Iowa, said he had been especially impressed with Mr. Buttigieg after seeing him during the debates.

But his wife, Carol, 60, quickly interjected to provide a more succinct explanation: “He reminds us a ton of our son.”

“We should tilt toward somebody a little more in touch with the issues that are really, really important to the 40s and under,” said Bill Horner, 79, who came from his farm in Red Oak, Iowa, to see Mr. Buttigieg at an event on Monday morning. “They’re the ones who have the longest time in this country.”

