Who will run in 2020?

I’m assuming it’s Mayor Pete’s turn in the barrel tomorrow. Hopefully he can fend off the knives as skillfully as he wielded them.

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Pete more than two north easters in NH would shock me.

I mean, even I think that’s gotta be an outlier, no matter how good it seems.

well that and it’s coming out that he spoke to the tea party back in 2010 which is triggering some twitter libs

yeah, cuz it’s cool now to hate Obama shrug

Wow, President Pete. When @skydiver8 is Chief of Staff we can all say we knew her way back when.

That looks like they just pulled numbers out of a random number generator.

That makes no sense at all.

Pete more than Warren and Bernie combined? Biden still at 15, despite Pete’s rise? Klob at 6? What the hell?

lol, that poll is weird. the past few months he was hovering around 10-11% in that same poll. I’d have to dive into the methodology, but something must have changed? I’ really having trouble taking it seriously, as much as I’d love for it to be true

PETE surges are coming seemingly out of nowhere, what changed?

Retail politics, baby. Ground game still works. Also…the Buttibus!

goddammit Pete, get that fucking bus to South Carolina, yesterday.

In all seriousness, twitter/MSM doesn’t capture the immense amount of effort his campaign is putting in on the ground in NH and IA. He has a campaign office in every county in NH, a ton of paid organizers, and ground tactics that work. We’re just getting that stuff started here in CA. they’ve been doing it for months there.

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Isn’t all this just like it was in 2015, with everyone getting a turn as the flavour of the month?

i think we’re pretty much down to four real flavors.

in other news…lol, thanks for the endorsement!

I guess it depends on if the other frontrunners want to validate Pete’s position as an actual frontrunner or not. I am not sure Biden, Warren or Bernie will attack Pete at all. I think it will come from Harris, Gabbard, and maybe Klob, who knows.

Probably wrong here, and I can handle that, but wasn’t Pete’s health care plan literally the worst thing in the universe like 3 weeks ago and now it’s palatable to people here?

He is in no way palatable to me. He has raised tens of millions from rich donors to whom he is beholden, does not seem to recognize that private health insurance needs to go away, worked at f’n McKinsey (one of the most evil companies on earth), is a transparently spineless opportunist with no actual beliefs and is the least electable candidate. He’s terrible, like truly awful, and is guaranteed to achieve absolutely no meaningful change if somehow elected.

If your takeaway from this shit show is “we should just try being nice to Republicans,” there’s already a candidate for that! Not sure what the pitch is, TBH.


Yeah, when your best pitch is that you’re Young Joe Biden…geez.

i am not seeing that.

at least not in here. Out in the real world?

Pete doesn’t take Biden voters. He mostly took Warren voters.

The last 5 NH polls have had a different person at the top. (fifth was michelle obama)

I get that he actually takes Warren voters (white, educated). But his pitch is basically “Biden, without dementia.”

Damnit, I meant in here but now I can’t find the posts I was thinking of. Anyway, I guess it doesn’t matter. Let the Pete hate flow! (Not you sky, obv)

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