Who will run in 2020?





No. You are abetting the entrenchment of an unofficial aristocracy because Democrats manipulated you into blah blah. Hunter Biden isnā€™t a celebrity, is he? Al Gore can say that he has experience of and insight into international relations, etc, that make him valuable to Apple. It may or may not be true, but it can at least pass a first-glance test. Hunter Biden can say his dadā€™s name is Joe and that, as far as Iā€™m aware, is it. The two donā€™t compare at all, and the fact that you must hedge Goreā€™s appointment as ā€˜not inherently corruptā€™ should give you pause. If you think Iā€™m prepared to accept Gore on the Apple board as some standard candle of rectitude, you may be disappointed.

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Mayor Pete can fuck off. If youā€™re looking for him in 5 years, youā€™ll find him on a bunch of corporate boards with Paul Ryan.


Some subreddits do a best of the week thing where posters can tag the user who compiles the posts when they see a good one, maybe we can do something like that.

Actually, instead of ā€œmaybeā€ I decided to create an account for this, so if you see a good post, tag @BestOf and Iā€™ll try to compile the posts when there are enough of them.


I wish the Dem candidates consulted this board for messaging. Several posters here regularly put out responses that are far better than the campaigns come up with. Itā€™s pretty shocking how bad Dem messaging is when viewed in comparison Boredsocial, Cuse, Duece, etc.

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Pete actually supports M4A


If youā€™re confused like I was at first, check the date on that tweet.


Iā€™m not disappointed, since I donā€™t expect any better. Thatā€™s why I said you were being a useful idiot thatā€™s only talking about Burisma because Republicans are. I said ā€œinherently corruptā€ because anything MIGHT be corrupt. Al Gore might only be on Appleā€™s board because he knows something embarrassing about Tim Cook and itā€™s the price for his silence just like Hunter Biden MIGHT be illegally influencing the US government on behalf of Burisma. But both allegations are just made up. And when youā€™re a mid tier Ukrainian energy holding company with a checkered past Hunter Biden is at the top of your range. They would have loved to get Al Gore instead but heā€™s out of their league.

That tweet is not making me like him more.


This is a big part of what I want to do when we get the writing side going. And I have a PM sitting from @zikzak that I need to get to ASAP - I have it tabbed in my browser so that I donā€™t forget.

Anyway, I want us to have a place with some quality editing and a professional feel to put forth columns on how badly the Dems are messaging on various issues and what will be better, then I want to push that out to the public/news orgs/campaigns/etc from an address like pr@unstuckpolitics.com and see if we can make any impact.


Thatā€™s not the suggestion. Less performative disdain, more reading what people post, Iā€™d suggest.

It makes me like him far less.

So heā€™s moved to the right on health care over the last 18 months? Thatā€™s a REALLY bad look.


@skydiver8 Seems like some evidence that his attacks of late are disingenuous.

And part of the reason that pisses me off so much is because of how much I like Pete otherwise, and how bright of a future I want him to have in the party. Like, something along the lines of a Warren presidency with Pete as VP or in a major cabinet post leading to a VPete/Secretary Pete run in 2028 and/or 2032 (hard to win after two terms of a Dem) would have been ideal. I thought AOC and Pete were the two shining stars of the future in terms of messaging, communicating, and taking the fight to the GOP.

Then this happened. And for what? To take his chances to win the nomination in 2020 from like 10% to 12%?


How do I do that?

Like this? @BestOf

Tell me again how politicians can take the lobbyists money without doing their bidding please.

Mayor Pete for POTUS is a little silly, but heā€™s laughably unqualified to be a cabinet secretary.

Either thatā€™s a rhetorical question to the group or you have me confused with someone else.

I very likely agree with you on this matter.

That is 100% the republican talking point about Hunter Biden, Burisma and the Obama administration. I find my posts generate less disdain when I know wtf I am talking about.

Itā€™s purely rhetorical. I was responding to your post.

Then go find a republican.

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