Who will run in 2020?

exactly, exactly this

god damn I predicted this perfectly in my predictit bet.

I’m talking about the politics of Ds corrupt policies compared to what non-corrupt, actually good policy would look like. Not Ds policy compared to Rs policy of Repeal and Go Fuck Yourself.

There are so many potential frameworks for a new health care systems, and it’s no coincidence that Ds chose one that satisfied insurance company despite it being much harder to defend politically than the alternatives.

The individual mandate polled horribly since its inception:

Consistently 59-69% unfavorable for a full decade! Nice!

And guess what, the Rs finally got rid of it and no one gave a fuck:

GJGE Ds eating shit for a decade on your corrupt giveaway to insurance companies for no reason (other than your corrupt relationship w/ insurance companies).

For this cycle, I think the no brainer pitch is: Medicare for All is the way to go, but don’t have to take my word for it, we will prove it to you.

My plan is to implement measures x, y and z to contain costs and offer everyone subsidized Medicare at a cost capped at x% of your income. This plan will be so superior to private insurance that I anticipate everyone will quickly sign-up for it and the health insurance companies will soon be out of business. But we are not going to force that result on you, we are going to get there by earning your trust.

I’ll make this more manageable:

Joe talks about $30 trillion. Health costs in that time are projected to be $40 trillion. Joe, is $30 trillion higher or lower than $40 trillion. Which is better?

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Your faith in getting people to change their selfish, myopic preferences through explanation and empathetic storytelling makes you not only not a pessimist but the rosiest of optimists, +1 anyway tho :)


Why don’t they just call the costs for Medicare For All a premium to avoid “tax” gotcha? No, taxes will not go up and your premium will go down.

How will you pay subsidies? By increasing corporate taxes…

I don’t want to walk into a chessmate, but do you have any time for Ezra Klein or a lol KFF poll that shows Medicare for All goes from +14 to -21 approval when it is stated that private health insurance will be eliminated?

FYP, Bernie ;)


yuuuuge if true

The right pitch is that private insurance will be around until the public voluntarily decides to stop using them on their own once they see the alternative in practice. We are going make Medicare for All such a no brainer that only a fool would choose to continue being abused by the insurance companies, nonetheless we will not take away your right to be a fool.

M4A, we want all iPhone users to sign up first! You know you like taking chances.

What are the private insurance companies going to say, but “you really will eliminate us in the long-run by offering all our customers sweet deals that we can never compete with!”

Um, sounds about right? Good look messaging on that…

They should just say that they will outsource all the paperwork to the current insurance companies, and not have a doctor do anything other than write a quick note of what the treatment was or something.

Let the insurance companies be inside the bureaucracy as opposed to being the insurers, and then make them not suck as much. Is there anything wrong with that idea?

Dunno, think we want to drastically cut down on all the paperwork and byzantine billing processes.

Use them to implement that. There can be a use for the insurance sector, just not in doing the whole insurance thing.


She’s good. Maybe she’s trying to get the GOP nomination for if Trump gets removed.

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which is exactly what Pete has been saying all along, just…nicer :stuck_out_tongue:

Rolf :joy: