Who will run in 2020?

They can hold whatever jobs they want… but jobs like these should be a huge scandalous liability for their parent. I actually see this Hunter Biden thing being such a huge hassle for Joe as a very good thing. With any luck the rules are changing in real time.

AOC won her primary by relentlessly attacking her opponent for his soft corruption every chance she got. We need to primary a bunch more old respectably corrupt politicians in this country IMO.


Paul Ryan, noted media expert is on Fox’s board. As someone else noted, board members are very rarely qualified to hold their positions in the industries they are board members. It’s either a reward or for publicity for the company to say ‘we have x famous or powerful person on our board’. This is a story as old as time, I’m quite sure.

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Hunter has been on the board of Burisma for more than 5 years. Do you think they just keep him on if they are not getting anything out of it?

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I have no idea. It would hardly be the only case of an overpaid and under-qualified corporate board member. He may do them no good at all. Perhaps even if he has never done any it’s still a +$EV gamble by the company. I think thing where ex-public officials get paid millions by industries they were responsible to regulate is bad, but they are the public officials and signed up for it. Extending that to adult children who aren’t involved with the administration is going too far unless there is something specific to point to. imo.

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Tell their kids not to do that, I guess? Which they really have no reason to do unless the electorate punishes them for it.

Not to do what, though? It’s not like Chelsea Clinton has to put “daughter of Bill and Hillary, yes, THOSE Bill and Hillary” on her resume for people to know who she is. The corruption is largely on the part of the companies seeking to peddle influence.

In Hunter’s case, I’ve heard that he wasn’t very shy about bringing up his dad. But even then, that’s his prerogative. “Tell your adult children not to do that” is bs. What are you gonna do, ground them?

That’s for the politicians to decide. Again, this is all dependent on the electorate being willing to punish the politicians for this kind of thing. I may not be the world’s biggest cynic, but I’m maintaining a healthy skepticism towards the state of affairs implied by all this hand-wringing over how are they to KNOW and what on Earth could they DO etc. They know. And their kids know. What they can do is up to them - more than nothing, I have no doubt. They’re very capable people!

Hunter Biden smoked a lot of crack. Could be wrong, but I’m guessing his dad didn’t want him to do that.

Sure, and that means Joe Biden is literally powerless to stop his son going around dropping his name in connection with high-paying sinecures. His hands are just tied. So he may as well do the literal nothing we must suppose he did to stop Hunter Biden taking lucrative sinecures in exchange for implied favour.

You don’t know that he did literally nothing. In fact, he definitely didn’t do literally nothing, as he helped rally the international community against the Ukrainian AG who was soft on corruption. Good sign to Burisma that influence peddling wasn’t working.

So spell it out. What do you want Joe to do that you’re reasonably sure he didn’t do? Send a public letter demanding his son be fired at once? Hunter Biden doesn’t need to say “son of Sleepy Joe” for people to know who he is. Everyone who hires him will know that going in.

Anything. Not for nothing - if he rattled sabres. if he got some skulls cracked in Ukraine, that only makes his name worth more there. I’d prefer not to get stuck on this tiny point of what individuals should do under an assumption, going forward, that this kind of thing is Just Not Cool anymore. I’m more interested in making that the governing assumption in all aspects of public life. Once that’s the case, the Joe Bidens of the world will figure out what conversations they need to have with their kids.



Jesus Christ Joe.

Oh, so it was Joe who called Nancy 3 weeks ago and said, ‘you really need to start impeachment. I won’t back you up in public or anything, but I’ll definitely take credit for impeachment starting 3 weeks later, nearly 6 months after several candidates went on the record. Good talk.’? Friday was the day Joe Biden became president.

Oh wait, I just realized, he is right. If it weren’t for Biden being mentioned in that phone call Trump wouldn’t be in an official impeachment inquiry (at least the one ordered by Nancy) right now. So there’s that I guess…

Biden was still an important figure in the Democratic party who might be able to influence legislation. It also wasn’t a surprise to anyone that he is running for president now.

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Yeah everyone trying to make Hunter Biden getting no work jobs because of his last name ok is wrong. That shit there perfectly encapsulates everything wrong with our political system.

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I’m also really tired of everyone stretching to find innocent explanations for all the soft corruption. That’s how we got to this point and I don’t believe any of it. Those are the official explanations not the actual reasons for why it happens. Meanwhile the rich and connected are busy making absolutely sure that their offspring get the ever diminishing supply of great opportunities in this world… opportunities that come directly from people who deserved to have them through merit.

This isn’t a meritocracy. Hunter Biden would be making 40-60k a year working as a lower end attorney chasing ambulances or handling middle class divorces if his dad wasn’t Joe Biden. Anything above that is smoking gun level evidence that the system is getting increasingly corrupt.


Wait what? I thought we were just a few more congress people going on the record from an official impeachment inquiry over the Mueller report. If not what was the point of that entire thread you started.

Do you guys actually think that Hunter’s 50k/month Ukraine gig wasn’t transparently corrupt? That the only reason he was involved in this new company wasn’t simply because he is Joe Biden’s son?