Who will run in 2020?


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Click on Bernie video, get Mayor Pete ad :roll_eyes:

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Anyone find it odd that there have been so few polls since the Ukraine scandal broke?

How do you count emails in that figure, since so many of them send a metric fuckton of emails. Iā€™m sure that adds a decent portion of donations, as well. Some of them send significantly more than others

Surprised to not see talk about it coming out that Bernie, you know, had a heart attack. Yikes.

I just assumed it was a heart attack. Not many other reasons someone gets emergency coronary artery stents put in.

Yeah but this is big optics problem. Massive negative if he winds up the nominee.

Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts fired her national organizing director after ā€œmultiple complaints regarding inappropriate behavior,ā€ according to a statement released Friday by her communications director.

Not much elaboration in the article.



uh oh mike penceā€¦

Running Dems vs. Pence polls is a solid troll, more pollsters should do that.

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Iā€™d really like to see the Democrats all but ignore Ohio.

I see no path where the Democrats win Ohio, but lose any of PA/MI/WI. And thereā€™s no downballot senate race.

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Hobbes should comment here, but stents or valve repair or something is just super common for 70 year olds Plus. I think we could very well not know if Trump or Warren has had some kind of heart repair. And Iā€™m pretty sure it is actually a good thing. That his life expectancy is now greater than if all we knew is that he had had no heart work done.

They can win if they actually campaign on working-class, dinner-table issues.

So theyā€™ve got no chance.

Iā€™m pretty sure this isnā€™t correct. Random 78 yo with unknown medical history should have a greater life expectancy than a 78 yo with previous MI and stents. Not that the difference is huge once you get to that age.

This is older, but it shows high mortality post MI in elderly patients. https://ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/JAHA.117.007230

Do we know he had a heart attack? Anyway, looking at that study, it seems like if his MI was NSTEMI thereā€™s not much impact on life expectancy, but a fairly significant impact if it was STEMI.

Yes we know he had a heart attack. No info on severity.

Well, heā€™s my favorite but not by so much that it matters. If this stent ends up solidifying things around Liz and prevents Biden from winning it will save many more lives than just Bernieā€™s.

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Medical layman here. When I heard he had a blocked artery and a stent put in I just assumed it was a heart attack, because isnā€™t that a blocked artery?

Then the news came out today and my wife rushed to tell me it was a heart attack. I was like, yeah I already read he had a blocked artery, isnā€™t that the same thing?

My point is, I donā€™t know that the phrase ā€œheart attackā€ will matter anymore to voters than the knowledge that he had a stent put in due to a blockage.

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Nah, the valence of ā€œheart attackā€ is much more negative.