Who will run in 2020?

If I could teleport and time travel there I’m blocking that door right after Liz goes through. I think I could even accomplish that without getting into a fight or arrested.

Or we could get her a secret service detail lol. I’m actually somewhat shocked she doesn’t already have serious security.

For sure. I’m sure it’s no accident that the guy with her wearing the backpack is an offensive lineman, but she needs more.

lol Warren fucks.

Seriously lol at thinking anyone cares about sex in 2019 after Trump. If it was true she could admit that she and her husband have an open marriage and the marine was a good time and she’d lose zero ground in the polls.

Starting to seriously suspect Wohl and Burkman are running a comedy routine at this point.


Why are you laughing at him?

This reply is funnier than you original reply. You are literally laughing at Yang? Out loud?

I’m sure my evangelical aunts would have a problem with it.

I suspect they’re not voting for Warren either way.

I do think that a promiscuous woman candidate would draw 10x as much ire as a promiscuous man candidate for the usual patriarchal reasons.


If you’ve noticed, most of these candidates don’t announce the locations of their public events/rallies until ~a week before, and that’s for security reasons.

One of the things we’ve been told when trying to help the campaign bring Pete to San Diego is that the event either has to be indoors (which limits the number of people who can come) or if it’s outside, it has to be away from taller buildings, etc. That only leaves about 2 possible outdoor venues here, which sucks.

The other thing that FUCKING SUCKS is that we’ve been hearing from people who are actually afraid to go to large rallies/political events out of fear of being shot, especially as democrats.

I mean it’s Jacob Wohl so it has like a zero percent chance of being real but even if it is real I don’t see this dissuading anyone who was voting for Warren from voting for her. Like others have said we are living in a post-Trump world and also it is 2019. Who cares.

We can laugh because Wohl and Burkman are so famously inept, but the danger–as with Trump–is that a less incompetent version of Wohl will make up some bullshit that sticks. How has this fucknut not been sued out of existence yet?

He’s going to be at the debate. He’s not going to win the nomination but he wasn’t going to before this happened. I think this stent thing is kind of a nothingburger tbh.

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Anyone who drops out of a race by announcing they are “suspending” their campaign should be immediately imprisoned.

Also Bernie was actually “suspending,” not “quitting” his campaign.

Suspending the campaign is a euphemism for dropping out. They can’t say quitting because they want moar donations, typically to pay off campaign debt. Bernie is suspending campaign events until further notice.

lol these idiots


It’s gotta be some kind of weird performance art, right?

Presidential harrassment

Holy zit back. Dude needs a towel-sized Stridex.

Probably on testosterone.