Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

And there’s the trifecta after Eddie Money and Ric Ocasek



Everyone knows white people stay children well into their 20s while other races magically become adults at 12.

It’s not an accident

This is one rare occurrence where I don’t think it’s false equivalence to notice that Hunter Biden was doing stuff in Ukraine for money related to politics. There’s a reason why Trump wanted to get the dirt, it’s because he thought there was some, and it does look dirty. I’m not even remotely defending Trump here and consider his line crazy impeachable… but if it damages Biden’s candidacy I’m 1000% good with that.

Fuck all these old crooked Dems who have been pigging out at the feed trough of American politics for the last 30 years and then turn around and get sanctimonious about anything. The whole reason DJT got to be president is that one of their own was too tainted to be able to attack him properly. They are incredibly dirty and deserve whatever consequences come from that.

I have zero sympathy for Biden here. He’s not a victim in any way shape or form. Biden’s entire campaign is about him being ‘electable’ whatever that means… and it’s pretty obvious from this whole episode that his entire record is probably at least somewhat radioactive and will be weaponized by the other side just like HRC’s was. We should nominate literally anyone else, and if he gets the nomination we deserve four more years of Trump. We might get lucky and Biden might win anyway, but it’s probably not dramatically better than the 70/30 we lost with Clinton vs Trump. I don’t know about you guys but I played poker for a living once upon a time and lost thousands of 70/30 flips. We need a really stark contrast for 2020 and Biden is the worst option in the field for that.

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Yeah, we live in the worst timeline, so I’m fully expecting Biden will barely win the primary and then crash and burn once we discover that his son actually was up to some shenanigans in the Ukraine.

One of the best things about Obama was that he was as clean as the driven snow. You couldn’t find anything corrupt about the guy no matter how hard you tried, because he had literally never done anything that could even be perceived that way.

We need a candidate like that vs Trump. It’s easily one of my favorite things about Warren.

Pretty sure it’s just Trump lying again.

Lutsenko also contradicted a claim by Trump supporters that Lutsenko was investigating Burisma. Lutsenko explained to Bloomberg News that he was conducting an unrelated investigation of a different company involving transactions that occurred months before Hunter Biden even joined Burisma’s board in 2014.

“Biden was definitely not involved,” Lutsenko said. “We do not have any grounds to think that there was any wrongdoing starting from 2014.”

OK but wtf is Hunter Biden doing on the board of some Ukrainian oil company?

I don’t care about actual wrong doing. The perception of wrong doing is enough here. You do absolutely anything dirty and it enables all kinds of bullshit attacks, that at this point you know are coming.

And the definition of ‘wrongdoing’ is intentionally incredibly narrow. Our lawmakers have been busy shifting the definition of that further and further out for years enabling them to do all kinds of frankly very corrupt stuff.

Maybe we shouldn’t nominate a founding member of that system to be our nominee vs Trump. Honestly I don’t want our nominee to have any ties, no matter how distant, to the hydrocarbon industry. For really obvious reasons.


Our nominee needs to be clean. Like as clean as Obama clean. We’re a lock to win this if we can make the election about corruption. Biden probably has hundreds of things that the GOP can point at for whataboutisms. His brother was running a hedge fund that got sued back in August and literally said “there are a lot of people who want to invest in the business of Joe Biden”.

What part of it doesn’t have to actually be true to look bad don’t you understand? This isn’t about fucking fairness dude. Nobody has a right to be the nominee for the Democratic party in 2020. If you aren’t 100% clean and totally unimpeachable we can do better.

Biden has been actively enjoying the swamp life since 1972. There’s approximately zero chance we know everything that can be dug up about him. He shouldn’t have run, and his candidacy is a threat to the entire planet because he really could lose to Trump. He’s easy to attack and very incoherent. He also doesn’t seem to handle being attacked very well. What part of this guy is a terrible choice for nominee don’t you get?

There are numerous excellent reasons Obama tried to talk him out of running lol. He should have not run and been remembered as a decent sort of guy for his era. Instead he’s going to be remembered as a shitty person from this era. This was his choice, and now he’s going to get dragged by everyone in politics because of it.

Where did I say anything about supporting Biden? Calm down.

Sorry Biden seriously pisses me off lol. I mean this whole episode isn’t just about Trump. It’s a clear demonstration of what will happen if Biden is the nominee… the GOP will make the whole thing about whatever (admittedly minor compared to Trump) stuff Biden has done that looks dirty… and we’ll all spend a lot of time wringing our hands about how not serious it is but the damage will get done with the normies and they’ll buy the false equivalence… which will suppress our turnout and make the election way more competitive than it should be.

Running against Trump in 2020 is a historic opportunity to waffle crush the GOP. We need to not fuck that up.

This was a longish article, but still good.


*Yet, Gillis is now at the center of a discourse that suggests comedians should see, in critical tweets and Tumblr posts, the kind of threat comedians in Bruce’s day once saw in undercover policemen. This might be the funniest idea comics like Chappelle have left to offer us. As far as comedy is concerned, “cancel culture” seems to be the name mediocrities and legends on their way to mediocrity have given their own waning relevance. They’ve set about scolding us about scolds, whining about whiners, and complaining about complaints because they would rather cling to material that was never going to stay fresh and funny forever than adapt to changing audiences, a new set of critical concerns, and a culture that might soon leave them behind. In desperation, they’ve become the tiresome cowards they accuse their critics of being—and that comics like Bruce, who built the contemporary comedy world, never were. *


These comedians have adapted to a new audience! Apparently humorous scold-shaming is pretty popular, given how much money Chappelle and Burr and Rogan are raking in.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure cancel culture is actually a right-wing myth outside of twitter maybe.

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They act like it’s somehow new to get punished for free speech. It’s freedom of speech not freedom of consequences from speech. As long as the government doesn’t do the punishing no rights have been violated. If you say something that a huge number of people will find disgusting and reprehensible and you make your living through being popular… yeah that could be terrible for your bottom line.

If you go to a Nazi rally and carry around a tiki torch your boss might fire you and your community should ostracize you. You suck and everyone should know it. I have less than no sympathy and would absolutely cut you out of my life even if you were a member of my immediate family. Shame needs to make a big comeback in this country asap. Shame isn’t guilt. Shame is what other people do to you for being a piece of shit not how you feel about it.

Literally the worst thing about the internet is anonymous speech. The world would be a drastically better place if absolutely everything anyone said on the internet was broadcast to every single person they ever met. My guess is that there would be a lot less to complain about on the civility front.

WTF is former CIA Counterterrorist Center director and Romney campaign foreign policy adviser Cofer Black doing on the board of some Ukrainian oil company?