Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I wasn’t entirely sure how I felt about Bari Weiss’s goodbye letter until I saw Jason Whitlock praising it as “brilliant”. But now I’m good.

This is why I reject politics and a political identity. They cloud the truth of what I really believe. I believe in the power of love. I believe in the equality of man. I believe in freedom and America.

When you obsessively invest in hatred, you lose sight of what you truly believe, your ethics and your principles. The New York Times used to believe in journalism and America. I say that as a subscriber to the newspaper and as someone who was profiled fairly by the Times in 2010 and 2015.

Joining Twitter’s Church of Trump Hate changed the newspaper. Hate begets hate and love begets love. The Bible wisely teaches love of the Lord, not hatred of satan. The hatred of Trump is a perverted form of religious worship that has America at the brink of collapse.

Imagine paying $99/year for exclusive access to Jason Whitlock and Clay Travis.


I don’t know what business you’re referring to, but enough people do that to make the guy who wrote those 3 paragraphs rich?

Could someone bring Judith Miller her fainting couch?

Do you know who I want telling me how newspapers ought to be run? How about anyone except Judith Fucking Miller?

These people know that Bari Weiss quit, right?

Lol at the idea of the NYT ever having a broad spectrum of opinion. It’s right wing asshole after right wing asshole. If the idea is to provoke and print uncomfortable ideas where is the op Ed about destroying israel? Where is the columnist who is an extreme jainist pacifist? Where is the pizza gate correspondent? Where’s the person arguing for fully communal property?

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What a fucking chump. I can remember reading the British dossier at the time and seeing it was a pile of cobbled together nonsense. All based on one defector and the idea that if weapons inspectors hadn’t literally seen something destroyed who knows what happened? (Ignoring that there was nowhere for them to have been kept and they would have been unusable by now, obviously.)

I know the Americans also had stuff about nuclear smuggling or something. I don’t remember the details of that except it was also extremely loltastic.

One thing I will never understand is how we all basically learned the whole thing was a lie but everyone seemed cool with it and W got re-elected.

Always assume because it was too big. If everyone who supported it had to go down, then where would it have stopped? There were basically just a handful of mainstream folk who said anything at the time, so afterwards there was no constituency who wasn’t scared by raking it over.

Well, scared is probably wrong as they knew they had nothing to fear.

Kerry was a really, really terrible candidate.

I know it will shock some people, but that was the election Hillary should have ran in and probably would have won (there was a major draft campaign that didn’t work out). She would have slam dunk gotten the nomination even if she wouldn’t have won. She didn’t do it because she didn’t want to inherit that mess…lol.

I remember throwing my hands up in disgust when the party apparatus decided Kerry was the best chance of winning. Mainly it was the same thing that always happens. If you start a war, generally the public wants you to finish it and doesn’t want to hand over the reins to someone else.

Who else should they have picked? The parties are full of political opportunists who make cynical decisions like holding out until they dont have to run against an incumbent.

The guy that ran on universal healthcare and anti-war.

I’d have to go back and look, but Kerry was probably the third or fourth best candidate in that race at the time. His wife infused a ton of money into his campaign right before one of the primaries happened and I knew right then the party had gotten behind him (believe it or not, the Democratic Party mind was a lot different back then and always expected to lose). I knew he had close to zero chance of winning the general because he’s so wooden. He certainly would have been fine as a president, but the public would never have accepted him at the time.

Again, they should have worked overtime to get Hillary to run. Every candidate has a ‘perfect’ time. For Hillary it was 2004, for Warren it might have been 2016, for Bernie his best shot was 2020 and probably only because Trump is in office. The window is tight and most are better off finding their best window and only running then.

If we were going through COVID-19 and the unrest related to police brutality last year as we were heading into the primaries I think Booker might have had a legit chance to get the nomination. Even Harris would have had a much better shot. These events just happened in the ‘wrong’ year and Biden (who could beat no one for president but Trump) happened to be the right guy running at the right time. If these events were going on last year, I doubt he would have even given running a second thought.

Dean (the guy Alex posted) was who I voted for, but he melted down badly and made a lot of people uncomfortable despite being an excellent candidate at the time.

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Did the party apparatus suppress Dean?

They didn’t suppress him but Kerry was definitely the establishment choice.

No, it was CNN that basically effed him. After he won a primary or caucus, he did a primal scream and it scared a lot of the ‘normal’ people. CNN played it over and over.

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It was after under-performing in Iowa while leading most of the national polls at the time. It wasn’t even a particularly heinous gaffe, just an awkward display of enthusiasm in the wrong moment. But they replayed it non-stop before New Hampshire and he promptly loss all of his momentum and collapsed.

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Also, I’m going off of memory so I could be wrong, but I think Dean’s entire appeal was through grassroots fundraising. Obama basically took his strategy to the next level. Dean probably became the DNC chair because of how well he did the grassroots stuff.

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