Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Lord, grant me the ability to celebrate the news of Bari Weiss in a way that does not result in the need for me to immediately after go make penance in the UP blindspot for sexism thread. Remind me of all the ways she was an awful human being unrelated to her gender. Let (self)cancelling be the only c word to come out my mouth. Amen.


Yesterday one of Bari’s friends kicked out his friend from his French countryside house he was at because the guy was clowning on Bari. His wife heard that he posted it on twitter and made him delete his tweets and now we got another day of Bari news lol this is awesome

You have been granted…



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ahahahaahaha, Bari you had a dream job and you fucked it up by being an incompetent fascist assclown.

Where will she work next? Quillette? Cancel culture freaking rocks.

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Hey if Joe Rogan can debunk your shitty worldview it’s maybe time to look in the mirror…




Holy cow.

Anyone have Cliffs on Alice Walker and Lizard Illuminati?

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Now, I didn’t go to journalism school, but even my high school paper taught me that brevity is the gold standard of journalistic writing. Of course, if you’re high on your own glue, I guess those concepts fly out the window.

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These short high level comments are by necessity going to be oversimplified but I have two amendments to this that I think are important IMO:

  1. I think the seeds of the thoroughly destructive current Republican Party clearly start with Reagan. The overarching false beliefs that a) the Federal government causes problems more than it solves problems and b) it is fiscally responsible to cut taxes and increase expenditures are each essential parts of the toxic Republican stew. And Reagan sold the public on those.

  2. I don’t think the descent is a straight line, I think it’s a line that has a sharp slope change at Citizens United. That was a momentous error of lawbro navel gazing and choosing to ignore the obvious reality in favor of some wishful thinking about norms.


I’m self aware enough to know that I might be approaching GOP levels of boasting about ignorance with this comment, but I don’t know who Bari Weiss is and that sounds like a great thing.


I almost made a similar response, particularly with the inclusion of Reagan. But why stop there–Nixon obviously has parallels with Trump. And once you start going back you realize that the things that make this current Republican party particularly noxious are things that have been present in America all along–the prioritization of whites over non-whites, the prioritization of property over people, the prioritization of capital over labor, etc etc. I’m convinced that the modern Republican party is America and has been all along. Idk, just venting.






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Nope, Council for National Policy had the idea right before Reagan that if you could get the U.S.'s most apathetic and unreliable bloc of voters to vote, they could shape generations of agenda.

That bloc at the time? Religious non-voters now known as Evangelical Christians

It’s zero surprise their ultimate Frankensteined candidate who was the culmination of nearly 40 years of work was Trump.


Part of America definitely.

I gotta say though I do see a lot of people on this board talking about how the US is ‘the worst’… when in reality we’re just at a bad point in a history that’s packed absolutely full of them and ran for thousands of years before this country was founded.

Humans suck. A lot. Europeans suck, but let’s be super clear… I think that if the Scientific Revolution had started anywhere else they would have also enslaved the world and done hideous shit. For proof I submit the history of every place on planet Earth. Every time one large group of humans has gotten the upper hand on another large group of humans what followed was depressingly predictable.

Humanity is trying to break some of these trends, but I honestly suspect that will happen 15 minutes after humans discover another intelligent life form to hate. (the new us vs them)

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Yes, I definitely agree with alot of this. I think the key cultural change with Reagan was that he appealed directly to the narcissism of the most selfish generation in history. Boomers were (and remain) eager to declare that they alone are responsible for their wealth and the government only detracts from society. Even Nixon’s Presidency includes attempts to pass Federal legislation to solve problems. Trump’s total abdication of Federal responsibility is much closer to Reagan’s “scariest words on the English language” attitude than Nixon’s authoritarian leanings.

I hear Tucker is looking for a new writer.