Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Nuzzi is kinda a behind the lines double agent. She brings back some good inside info, and it’s clear she thinks these people are fools, but she’s not exactly uncompromised.

Sounds like she ended up fully compromised to me.

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lol wut


emotional and digital in nature

Am I the only who thought of finger-banging here? Yeah? Okay.


Digital in nature? Sounds like adolescent physical.

Who cares?! Really.
The bottom of the dustbin of worthless history.

Sounds like my last prostate exam.

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Oh, I thought you were responding to this: “The bottom of the dustbin of worthless history.”


I’ll never understand what would possess any 30something to be interested in someone over 2x her age. I’m excluding plainly transactional relationships. I don’t think this was one of those, but if it was, I guess I could wrap my head around it somehow.

The heart wants what the… money.

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So you’re saying we’re talking about one of these.

I’m saying they’re all transactional

I can understand that, but I think if transactional is what she wanted, she could have pulled younger and richer than him. If you’re going to go transactional, why half-ass it?

She may still be thinking he’s going to be President and she could swing first lady out of it… Assuming you’re talking about Trump and what’s-her-face…

No, I was thinking about Nuzzi. Given the circles she presumably runs in, she should have been able to do better. Also RFKjr doesn’t seem THAT wealthy based on 1 min of google.


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She was engaged to Ryan Lizza, the main Washington reporter for Politico… Emphasis on the was.


A note from our own Ryan Lizza: “Because of my connection to this story through my ex-fiancée, my editors and I have agreed that I won’t be involved in any coverage of Kennedy in Playbook or elsewhere at POLITICO.”


Pretty sure there’s a more succinct way to say anti-immigrant and nativist but I just can’t put my finger on it

