Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Ok now do the city treasurer.

I always bring a ouija board planchette with me when I go vote. Really helps with those down ballot races

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If the treasurer in Manhattan Beach weren’t elected, they’d just be appointed by some real estate developers.

If you find a couple groups you at least semi-trust to evaluate the props, you’re doing more than most elected representatives. They, as a rule, absolutely positively don’t read or understand what they are voting for. They just have someone they either trust, or more likely depend on for campaign funds, giving them the summaries and recommendations.

Yeah that’s pretty much what I do. Who’s the progressive group and what’s their stance. But then I’m not sure I picked the right progressive group.

Me neither, but you def can’t read everything. I also look at who contributes to campaigns. For props that’s often very helpful. If Chevron is the biggest donor to the proposition titled “Clean Energy for the Future”, that’s a tell that it’s not really a fair title.

It’s not perfect, but I think the process is better than what goes on in the legislature and very much support the propositions being a thing in CA.


But basically every single one knows if they are voting dem or republican.

But then why do polls change over time? Is it people changing their minds from D to R and/or the reverse or lying or what?

Everyone posting about politics online probably does, but not everyone who only chats about cars, or makeup, or pew pew pie. You can’t be shocked by polls about how people don’t know the name of the president or the capital of their state anymore can you? And yeah, there are some people who pay almost no attention to politics and still vote.

Americana ITT discussing democracy from first principles again. Forgetting the rest of the world exists.

  1. Just do a parliamentary democracy. Obv better.

  2. There’s obviously swing and undecided voters. We see this from Australian elections which has mandatory voting.

I envy the person that knows nothing of Donald Trump. I’d be so much less stressed

Suzzer I mean this with all respect, you are just so far above the median voter in intelligence and good faith that it’s a travesty if you don’t vote. Our system is poorer when you don’t.


So you like Trump.


Not sure if he means 50/50 between Biden and not voting, or if there was a 50% chance he’d vote for Trump over Biden

I get the former, but it’s inconceivable to me that anyone who frequents a political forum could be undecided over policy and governing style

I don’t think there are that many people who are wrestling between Trump and Harris, but there are huge numbers who will take two seconds and consider either stopping to vote or heading home or to the store to pick something up quick instead because meh voting is kind of annoying and boring and my vote doesn’t really matter anyhow.

Y’all are living in backwards fucking states that don’t do all voting by mail so you can relax and research everything while you fill out your votes.

I was assuming suzzer and most of the California folks are voting by mail also.

There is vote by mail in CA. I’ve only voted in person once since college and that’s because it was the only way for a non-party member to vote for Bernie. (I may have been able to order a special ballot, but didn’t)

I like voting in person. I hate reading forms and trying to figure out what to stamp and what to sign and what to tear and put in this folder or don’t tear here, etc. I usually get impatient and screw something up that I can’t undo.