Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

This is also real, I’m just not linking it.


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I am a very smart person


“You walk down the street, you get shot”. You hold a political rally in the sticks, you get shot.


This was always going to happen; the party that’s tossed aside every scrap of civility in politics and openly calls for violence is of course going to wring their hands and make bad-faith complaints about Biden’s rhetoric. And the media will of course find a way to both-sides scold the Dems.

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In 2015 it was “lock her up.” In 2016 it was “2nd amendment solutions.” In 2017 it was telling cops “please don’t be too nice.” In 2018 it was “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.” In 2019 it was “can’t you just shoot them in the legs or something?” In 2020 it was “stand back and stand by.” In 2021 it was an actual attempted overthrow of the government, along with the attempted assassination of the Vice President and Congress. In 2022 it was leading the crowd in laughing about the attempted assassination of Nancy Pelosi and the brutal attack on her husband by a deranged hammer-wielding maniac. In 2023 it was calling enemies “vermin” who were “poisoning the blood of the country,” and promising “I am your retribution.” In 2024 … well. There’s been no end to it, but earlier this year there was a predicted bloodbath, and a never ending litany of more vermin and blood-poisoning talk, and just last week we heard about another American Revolution to be waged by MAGA America against all the rest of us, which we were assured would stay bloodless as long as we didn’t resist, and the Republican nominee for governor in North Carolina literally told his crowd that some people need killing.

It’s a list truncated by choosing only one item per year. It was a shockingly easy list to compile. You could double it, triple, it, and not drain the pool of readily available examples. We haven’t even touched on the constant open praise of dictators and longing admiration for their ability to enact shocking acts of brutality against their own population.

And of course in every year there has been gun massacre after gun massacre after gun massacre, each of them followed by the exact same empty pageantry that demands that we mourn the death of today’s victims without ever remembering yesterday’s or trying to prevent tomorrow’s, because the cause of all massacres—the massacre weapons themselves—are forever treated as the only thing thing to defend, and any attempt to protect actual humans is treated as shameful politicization of tragedy that is never permitted to be understood as preventable.

And there has been the ceaseless litany of murderous police brutality, followed by police riots enacted in retribution for those who dare protest murderous police brutality, and there have been calls published in national newspapers to use the army to murder peaceful protestors, and calls to run them over with vehicles, and the celebrity of those who murder protestors when they are exonerated, and the official government pardons of those who murder protesters when they get convicted. And we’ve seen librarians and teachers hounded out of jobs, and families fleeing fascist states like Florida or Oklahoma or Texas, states that would prefer to see trans children dead. There has been the gleeful promise to accelerate a climate catastrophe that is predicted to kill a billion beautiful human beings, and the gleeful promise that in the future all of our daughters will be forced to live in a country that treats their bodies as the property of whatever small town youth pastor decides to rape them, and on and on and on.

This is the world we all occupy; the world we’re forced to occupy, against our wills.

And I’m given to understand that Republicans are shocked—shocked!—that there is suddenly political violence in this world they’ve forced us all to occupy with them, and they’d like us to know exactly who they think is to blame…


Moxon is the goat


Completely irresponsible rhetoric from the Biden campaign here. Is he trying to get Trump killed?


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Moxon is one of my only actual active twitter followers that isn’t trying to catfish me. I didn’t realize he or she was a columnist.

Edit: never mind, different user with a similar avatar.

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Chances Moxon is DVaut from 2p2?


Highly unlikely imo. Unless any of his story sounds familiar. Interview starts around 30m in:


Maybe he’s got syphilis?

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Could be a Regarding Henry situation. In your dreams, leftist vermin!

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Still doing this in 2024


that’s how you can tell it’s obvious that ALL the media both right and left are salivating at the chance to get him back in office.

competent administrations make no headlines.

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Left media

This folder is empty


Like CNN wasn’t “left” in the past, but you know it got bought by someone who wants to end you thinking it’s left, right?

Other than the raping and sexual assault.