Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I guess we’re going to find out, but can you be a mass murderer and just stop? I would imagine he’s gonna have to try and replicate the high of sniping innocent children in some way.



They even used “assimilate” and “indoctrinate” in the photo caption, almossssst getting there. Why is headline writing so hard?

Same fucking day.



Well, at least pushing an unwinnable war on the American people will mean tptb will have to take a break from undercutting Bernie’s candidacy.

Nevermind they’ll figure out a way to do both.

It’s pretty easy actually. Bernie is doing the right thing and coming out strongly against it.

:heart: :heart: :heart: Soledad:




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Really time? Headline the assassination as totally justifiable and may pay off?

I mean it’s an opinion piece, seems fine to do that. The piece itself is of course total dogshit.

So there was ample military cause for striking Soleimani. There was also sufficient legal justification. It is a basic aspect of the law of armed conflict that opposing commanders are a legitimate target. Soleimani had entered a theater of armed conflict not as a diplomatic guest of the Iraqi government, but rather as a co-belligerent with Shiite militias — the very militias that had attacked an American base and killed an American contractor and had days before attacked and burned part of the American embassy.

I’m sure French wouldn’t at all be shrieking about terrorism if one of these militias assassinated the US President, who is, of course, an “opposing commander”.

back to media idiocy…really, cnbc? not one wrong picture, but two? (sorry for linking a daily caller tweet, they had the clearest screenshot)


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The problem is Time doesn’t disclaim it as an opinion piece when they blast the headline all over the Internet.

Hopefully you’re pony doesn’t miss DC on the way on the door… :point_up_2:

Hate it when I become embroiled.

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Finally FINALLY Frontline decides to report on topics that Real Americans care about

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The outrage machine must be fed


“compromised my ip address”? :thinking: