Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

There is a real possibility that we have a Tucker Carlson dick pic situation at hand. I’m not saying it’s a strong possibility, but it’s on the board.


Someone want to help me out here. Is this a reason to fire Don?


The guest is making a pretty ludicrous argument so it’s hard to defend him but he’s behaving so cordially and polite that lemon comes off like the douche.

And he was kinda rude to poppy at the very end

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Remember that famous “baskets of deplorables” comment? Often quoted but just-as-often misrepresented, the remark argued that people voting for the GOP weren’t doing so because they supported GOP policies and their harmful impact toward queer people.

They were doing so because the government had let them down.

Conservative candidates promised to disrupt a system that had failed them. Overwhelmingly, white men recognized they would be relatively untouched by conservative policies that hurt queer people but promised birth, transformation, and resurrection.

Fighting back was always going to include collateral damage, but disrupting the system would eventually help everyone. Even the people it hurt.

History recorded the same seductive promise in World War II.

What word will historians have for modern conservatives? in his famously-quoted (but less-often cited) blog post “Sky,” AR Moxy wrote:

Historians have a word for Germans who joined the Nazi party, not because they hated Jews, but out of a hope for restored patriotism, or a sense of economic anxiety, or a hope to preserve their religious values, or dislike of their opponents, or raw political opportunism, or convenience, or ignorance, or greed.

That word is “Nazi.” Nobody cares about their motives anymore.


My understanding is that is was off-camera stuff that actually got him canned.

That was my understanding as well, until I read that tweet, which makes it seem like a combo of both.

I gotcha fam

That is the thing that makes my brain break. The kind of stuff he said on the air should be immediate grounds for termination, but instead it’ll be like dude, you can cost Fox $750 million, but only a jerk would schtup the boss’s wife.

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I think Trolly was talking about Lemon.

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If you read the comments on some of those Crowder tweets, no-fault divorce seems to be a huge current bugaboo in derp-land.

Ah sorry.

Well nevertheless

Fucking traitors. Every last one of them.


I can’t tell the difference between Steven Crowder and Matt Walsh. Also, I don’t want to know enough about them to be able to.

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What a ■■■■

Matt Walsh is the guy from Veep


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I mean, the WSJ is owned by the guy who comes off looking good after these reports in…the Wall Street Journal.

Call me skeptical that Tucker was fired because his emails are too offensive for the workplace culture of Fox News.


Seems more of a case of them wanting to get rid of him, and he left enough evidence of toxicity that they could fire him with cause.


yeah in USA#1, if you want to fire a guy and need a pretext, this will do fine