Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

The right wing base actually dislikes Fox now—mostly related to how they’ve been unfair to Trump (calling AZ early, etc.). The other tv networks suck so haven’t made a dent, but a perusal of Internet personalities makes it clear Fox is MSM now.

Are you sure?


From your link, a majority of Republicans do not hold favorable views of Ingraham, Hannity, and Tucker, the three most popular hosts. And this from ostensibly pro-Fox polling.

Of course it would be easy to mistake “credibility” as a positive trait for right-wing audiences that very obviously dgaf about that trait.

But like them way, way more than all the other people.

I think that when 69% of Republicans weight in that Fox is credible, it’s a big stretch to say that the right wing base dislikes Fox. They obviously like Fox just fine.

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Ah, well, it’s hard to argue with one poll. Judgment for the plaintiff.

I’d be delighted to have my mind changed with evidence to the contrary. Is there something out there that is suggestive that “the right wing base” (needs a definition) “dislikes Fox now” (also needs a definition).

Something that shows that, say, Republican primary voters in large numbers are no longer watching Fox News would be instructive, but I couldn’t find anything to suggest that is true. I do agree that Fox faces competition from OAN and Newsmaxx that didn’t exist 10 years ago, but I’m not sure how much they have really cut into Fox’s domination of the Republican base.

Dude, virtually every single online right wing influencer hates Fox. It doesn’t take long to discover this “evidence”.

Um, ok. I wouldn’t personally characterize the sphere of “online right wing influencers” as “the right wing base”. There is also a 0% chance that I am going to voluntarily expose myself to any content from right wing influencers. So I’ll just take your word for it.

The problem with this is that virtually every right wing influencer is a grifter and so whatever they are saying is to drive views. The way to do that is to be controversial, so attacking Fox News gets attention - parroting Fox News does not.

Until Fox News viewership starts to suffer (which is doesn’t seem to be), all the stuff about people hating Fox News is just anecdotal noise.

edit: I’d bet almost all these right wing influencers hating on Fox would happily join Fox if offered the chance and money.

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Sounds like you’re in a great position to opine on right wing base developments!

Okay. Republicans having negative views of the most popular Fox personalities seems more instructive than whether a bunch of offices are tuned to Fox News on mute without captions.

I actually didn’t offer an opinion, I literally said “are you sure” because when I tried to test your assertion with a few Google searches I wasn’t seeing what you were suggesting. Just calm down man, I am literally just asking about the interesting observation you made and where is the evidence for this and you’re acting like I personally attacked you. Take a walk outside or something.

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Fox is much smaller than it used to after it sold a huge part of its assets to Disney, I think it’s just Fox News and fox tv that is owned by the Murdoch’s now. I think that kind of settlement would have a significant impact on them.

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no chance there’s a 1.6 Billy judgement in this case or whatever it was they asked for. even though the case is open and shut Dominion only has like $100M in annual revenue.

I don’t think it’ll be hard to get to a really big number.

For instance to get to $1 billion, all you need to show is $50 million a year in lost revenue per year in perpetuity and then use a 5% discount rate. I think Dominion can easily show that the relevant market was growing and that prior to these allegations it was well positioned to capture more of that market, but then following these allegations many states (in fact likely all red states) won’t enter into new contracts with them. Sure this might be inflated, but it’s no so unreasonable that a jury wouldn’t give it credibility.

Throw in some punitive damages and it could be a very big number.

I love listening to the expert witnesses that calculate this stuff. Sometimes it’s not unreasonable but other times it’s some serious gorilla math.

Is Dominion going to want to settle though? This is great publicity and they are super likely to win at trial. They probably hate guys like Hannity and Tucker as much as we do, if I am a Dominion exec I want to haul them up at trial and have them admit to lying unless Fox offer me a very good deal.

Do they, though? I’m assuming that the Dominion execs are standard rich, white, boomers. They’re only pissed off because the leopard is eating their face.

They were acquired in 2018 by a NY private equity firm, so that seems very likely.

It’s the voting machines! No, it’s illegal immigrants. No, it’s corrupt city officials. It’s late night dumps. It’s the election workers. It’s drop boxes. Fuck no! It’s DEAD PEOPLE!!!

They’ve just been flinging shit against the wall the whole time. Nobody cares. They know they’ve been lied to. They don’t care. As long as the racism is strong, nothing matters. And the racism and bigotry is still really strong.