Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

French may be an easy punching bag, but don’t tell me you wouldn’t want him as a guest at your catty dinner party.




I think it was just Mr.

The NYT states they hired anti-trans journalist David French because he embodies “factual clarity, moral seriousness and a spirit of generosity toward others and humility toward oneself.”

David French is both a Never Trumper and a conservative who wrote:

  • in 2015 that trans people “have troubled fantasies"

  • in 2016 referring to trans-affirming bottom surgery “mutilation"

  • In 2018 writing for the conservative outlet National Review that our society should work toward “ending … transgenderism"

  • In 2022 that he refuses to use trans people’s correct pronouns, writing, “I don’t agree that trans men are ‘men’ or that trans women are ‘women,’ and while I strive to treat every person I encounter with dignity and respect, I don’t use preferred pronouns because their use is a form of assent to a system of belief to which I don’t subscribe.

Katelyn Burns, the first public trans journalist for Capitol Hill, wrote about the situation:

The NYT’s trans ‘debate’ isn’t actually a debate | Xtra Magazine

It would seem to me that just leaving trans people alone would go further in showing the generosity in spirit and personal humility that Times editors seem to publicly say they want. Of course, none of that sells newspaper subscriptions like the particularly insidious brand of polite, liberal transphobia currently being laundered in the pages of the Times.

I’d like the Times to welcome trans voices on to the team who are equipped and talented enough to provide a sorely needed counterbalance to the editorial view of seemingly the rest of the opinion staff.

These publications are often fond of referring to “the trans debate,” which is dehumanizing enough on its own. I get that presenting the humanity and genders of trans people as a debate may tickle an editor’s intellectual fancy, but if you are only ever presenting one side of an issue, what you are putting out is not a debate—it’s a lecture.

The writer for the article Katelyn Burns is hot fire for trans journalism :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:





Lol ESPN. Plebes would think he died.

It sounds like positive news?

Yes, but the phrase “been taken off the ventilator” is ambiguous at best.

When I read that headline I thought he died.

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If he died, I’m pretty sure the headline would be that he died.

When someone says “taken off a ventilator”, my default assumption is that condition is improving. I’d never assume pulling the plug on someone unless there was clear context for that. Of course, that is also possible.

Like NBZ says, if he died, they probably would have just lead with that. Probably.

Competent journalist alert

Let’s again look overseas to see that a journalist can actually re-ask their question more than once when a politician completely ignores it. In the US the journo would ask once, get ignored, ask again and the pol would get performatively mad about how it’s an unfair interview (which it obv wouldn’t be at all) and the questioner would get intimidated and move on.



This is the dumbest article I’ve read in a while. I’m not even sure what the point is.

“We place tremendous emphasis on cyclists wearing bikes - BUT SHOULD WE? Also, every single person I talk to says that bikers should wear helmets. And I, the author of this article, completely agree with that.”

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“Look, here’s what Im going to do. I’m going to ask my question one more time, and the first word out of your mouth needs to be either yes or no. After that, you can elaborate in any way that you want, but I am asking you a yes or no question here, and I need a yes or no answer, or this interview is over.”

Isn’t the author basically making a point very recently made on this forum that sociological and geographical barriers have harmed biking culture such that only less bad options, like helmets, are left?

Biking culture? Seems like a combo of cops picking on browns/homeless and this:



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That too.

But the author expressly discusses how cities and communities are made for cars.