Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

It was a good article.



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Came here to post this. How is this fucking real. That’s a pitchbot headline.

I think that’s a refreshing headline given the tendency of all media to reinforce the myth of bad things as one-offs rather than systemic

That can’t be real

Cliffs on the article?

Both sides!

Prominent Democrats have faced criticisms during presidential campaigns too, backtracking during primary contests after being called out for more minor misrepresentations:

Joseph R. Biden Jr. admitted to overstating his academic record in the 1980s: “I exaggerate when I’m angry,” he said at the time. Hillary Clinton conceded that she “misspoke” in 2008 about dodging sniper fire on an airport tarmac during a 1996 visit to Bosnia as first lady, an anecdote she employed to highlight her experience with international crises. And Senator Elizabeth Warren apologized in 2019 for her past claims of Native American ancestry.

The Biden things have been more comparable to this latest conman than those other two

LOL, NY Times trying to bury this by posting it on NYE

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Sinema’s decision to affiliate with America’s long-marginalized independents nevertheless prompted many angry reactions. “Sinema owes her entire career to the Democratic Party,” the MSNBC commentator Mehdi Hasan declared on Twitter. In fact, Sinema owes her career to voters and her loyalty to all the people of Arizona, whether they voted for her or not. In Arizona, party affiliation is 35 percent Republican, 34 percent other, and 31 percent Democratic.

I wonder if Conor will express any surprise when Sinema wins less than 10% of the vote in 2024.

The thesis of the article is that “independents” are under-represented in Congress and this under-representation has led the public to lose faith in government. Sinema is easily the most loathed Senator, so the thesis is DOA

I hope I remember that Conor Friesdorf wrote that so I can remember to never read anything from him again.


We’re only 2 days into 2023, and the competition for Dumbest Headline of the Year is already over.


Shades of Roman Hruska.

Yet until Sinema’s announcement, the Senate had just two independents: Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Angus King of Maine, both of whom caucus with the Democrats.

The dumb article of course goes on to say that Sinema will also caucus with the Dems then lauds her for having the courage to switch from Green to Dem to get elected, then switching again to Independent because that’s of course better than being Independent from the start like Sanders and King.

Because independents feel super represented by Sinema

And not at all represented by a former longtime independent Senator

All independents are the same

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