Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

yggy finally has a good idea? burying his columns in someone’s onlyfans updates.



Just maybe they’re to blame for all I’ve heard, but I’m not sure.




“How Listening to Rush Limbaugh As A Democrat Taught Me To Be A Better Person” is truly amazing. I didn’t know other publications were now hiring their own NYT Pitchbots. Congratulations on Chris Coons’ new gig.

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Lol this guy is chairman of Axel Springer. Our trash paper “Bild” belongs to Axel Springer so you know what you can expect. Its not good.

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Excuse me?

i know it’s tmz, but the headline made me laugh

I like Queen Elizabeth well enough I suppose, but I’m not really looking forward to several days of wall-to-wall coverage of her health crisis/end of life scenario. I haven’t watched “Let’s Make a Deal” or TPIR in a long time, so I guess that’s an option.

Yeah fuck this guy


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We are getting a lot of this “actually it’s the liberals that are divisive!” stuff in Canada now too. Our own demagogue wannabee keeps bleating on and on about how Justin Trudeau is tearing our country apart with his DIVISIVE POLICIES that are SO DIVISIVE.

Holy shit that tweet thread is fucking intolerable.

Biden should be catering to me, he said, while also saying he’d never vote for him anyway. But really, I’m the one who deserves attention. Flatter me. Now. It’ll be better if you do. Even though no one like me will ever vote for you. But pay attention to me.

Just awful. What a halfwit.

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Why in God’s name do we need three hours of coverage of this? We Americans fought a damn war so we wouldn’t have to concern ourselves with this crap.

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Who exactly is CNN targeting, this seems very stupid. Oh and lol Jake Tapper


LOL CNN. I think these two are some kind of Phillies fan friends. Take your victory lap but lol at saying it’s because the request was “reasonable” and not because the hack judge owes Omelette Man a favor.


Tapper having one hell of a Friday.