Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

LOL, who wrote that trash?

Same paper, probably same guy:

Come on man, it’s 3 posts up!

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CNN is really taking a hard right turn trying to appeal to right wing voters. I saw this talking point here and from other CNN people after the speech, probably copied the MAGA structure of coordinating a message.


I also turned on CNN for the first time in months a couple days ago and started laughing because they had Alyssa Farah Griffin (Trump WH communications) on there as a serious contributer. It’s straight trash and getting worse.


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That was a break with traditions when Trump did it, no? Not saying I approve of Biden doing it, but to not put it in the context of being something Trump already did seems significant. Pretty sure I remember him doing it in 2020, if not sooner.

I also have much less issue with the Marines in dress uniforms standing behind him than with using the Marine Band. Those guys are posted around the White House, for example, and might be serving an actual purpose there. If he just has them there for window dressing, then that’s inappropriate.

Regardless, in the context of the moment, WITAF are we talking about here?

Trump disregarded norms and decorum at pretty much every public appearance so I think news outlets just gave up pointing them out.

Out of all the storylines and takeaways from Biden’s speech, the Marine band does seem an odd one to focus on. Even odder when it’s more than one CNN hack.




ETA: ah, when you embed the tweet you lose the picture in this case?

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lol, what’s up with the flight of Tabasco sauces over on the left there?


CNN has some new right wing piece of shit in charge, I think because some other right wing asshole now runs it’s parent company.



The part that I’m missing here is?
MAGA types think the CNN is Pravda and don’t watch it.
Their main viewer demo is upper middle class centrist dems who love Biden!
How is this helping them make more money?



Supporting ending democracy is great for ratings. You get both happy republicans and outraged dems clicking and sharing your stories! Nobody wants to read another Trump is guilty story that shit is old news. Trump is innocent is where the money is made now.


Of course you can’t let this go without getting a veteran’s opinion and turning it into a whole article, because that was the most important element of the entire speech: the presence of Marines.

They bury a Trump example late in the article, which I guess we’re supposed to accept as a simple decorum miscue like having Marines standing around?

Trump often politicized the military while president, including using National Guard to disperse peaceful protesters from the White House in 2020 so he could pose for a photo-op accompanied by military leaders.


this is the weirdest part, I don’t think hardcore maga types could really even tell the difference between the slant levels of CNN and, say MSNBC.

someone once said that if you’re having lunch with albert einstein, and he suddenly gets struck by lightning and instantly becomes twice as smart, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. this is probably the same thing.

John Harwood sneaks in some truth before peacing out at CNN



CNN vs MSNBC … Are they really that different?

Well, you’ve just been hired by CNN