Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


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Might need a separate NYT thread




WTF is this story even about?


Brooke Baldwin is gone from CNN and thank God. She always struck me as one of the last of a dying breed of cable anchors…the self-consumed Barbie-doll who can’t hold her own in an interview situation. And nowadays, there are lots of interview situations. Her point is that places like CNN do a week or ten days of coverage on mass shootings like this and then reduce coverage? Yeah, that’s true. What’s the alternative? Keep talking about it non-stop for a month? Two months? How long Brooke?

Meantime, you would think if this was such a huge story, “The Hill” would at least get the spelling right on Uvalde. They spelled it “Uvaulde” and “Uvalude”, and never got it right throughout the entire story. To me, this just points to a seeming increase in bad reporters and a shortage of good editors. So many outlets. Inexperienced and just bad journalists abound.

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It seems like it’s a story about an essay Baldwin wrote in The Atlantic. It probably makes more sense to read Baldwin’s story in the Atlantic.

I don’t think her Atlantic essay is particularly good but there’s no dumber genre in media than “Summary of Some Guy’s Opinion Piece Published Elsewhere”.

That’s a little better, but still points out its all about her as she talks about “my own show”. Her style just really irked me. She was a reader, more than a thinker. These stories really are depressing for most reporters to cover. Like really depressing. Her point is that maybe lawmakers would do something if news outlets just covered these stories more, and longer? They wouldn’t. No blame needs to be assigned to CNN for the failure of politicians to do anything about this. Everyone has been told about what’s happening. They can see it.

I will say I agree to a certain degree with her suggestion of releasing video of the deceased children, but I would not put it out for the general public. But crime scene video should be required viewing for the politicians who are preventing any action from being taken. Show it to them first and then let’s hear them explain why we need more 18 year olds with AR-15’s.

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I agree her essay is largely incoherent. I don’t watch CNN so I wasn’t familiar with her at all. I do think she raises a valid criticism of cable news in that they do saturation coverage of a story like that until the moment their ratings dip and then boom zero coverage. Minute by minute ratings turn cable news into a reactive outrage generation machine. Not that people shouldn’t be outraged by stories like this, but that’s the what’s being sought after every minute of every day. It’s unhealthy.

I’ve just tried to get into the habit of noticing when stories are restating snippets of someone’s longer piece and then actually reading the original essay or story. Because a lot of times the context and nuance is lost to a much greater extent than happened here. Which is, I think, related to the point in my previous paragraph in this post.

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Not sure how continued coverage of mass shootings helps if people stop watching your channel. What good is good programming if nobody is watching. Some criticism of programming for ratings seems justified, but some does not in my opinion.

Oh, I’m saying none of it is good. The nonstop BREAKING NEWS coverage at the beginning isn’t useful or good. Stopping that Not Good coverage when people get bored of the voyeuristic thrill of the tragedy is neither good or not good, it’s just the nature of the perpetual outrage machine that is the news business.

Clinton and Blair have advice for progressives…not as centrists, but as progressives

(lol me, Politico)



The worst people you know just made a bad point.



Not the first time Dave has crossed the line. Really wish these reporters would stop trying to be comedians/take havers on Twitter and just stick to the news. Osita Nwanevu should be the only one who gets to shitpost on twitter.

A month of no pay is way out of proportion.

LOL you can’t honestly believe that anyone actually cares about this.

Their big reveal is going to be what everyone already knows, at which point the focus should be “what the fuck is Merrick Garland doing,” but will instead be “are these hearings too partisan” and “will this radically combative tone hurt democrats.” Don’t have it in me to pay attention and not lose my shit.

Republican candidates are still talking about the election being stolen.

So you’re saying that you’re going to masochistically pay attention and then lose your shit?