Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


Fuckers, it’s either “Data Are Plural” or “Data Is Singular.” Pick one!

Gah, pic doesn’t show when linking the tweet.



Confused about why this is ITT. I think it’s a really good piece.

I think the piece is clear that it’s just reporting on this particular heterodox school of dealing with this mental illness and it notes where recommendations and opinions depart from mainstream psychiatry. I think if you’re doing a piece on the left wing in America you don’t need to quote some classical liberal being like “this is all bullshit, capitalism is awesome” as it’s kind of assumed knowledge. Same thing here.

Personally I think the article is irresponsible and potentially dangerous. Psychiatric medications aren’t perfect but they improve the lives of millions. If the piece ends up encouraging someone with a serious diagnosis (Bi-Polar-1, schizophrenia, etc.) who was previously compliant to stop taking meds it could lead to a devastating effect like suicide.



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Surprised to find out Gen X is the Trumpiest Generation!

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Young enough to be expected to use technology, old enough to be frustrated that they can’t do it well.

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this year, Early Voting won th epreakness

Margaret Brennan has Rick Scott on, he’s complaining about inflation, but she’s not asking him about how his plan to raise taxes on poor people is better, he’s complaining that voters want to make sure their vote isn’t “diluted” (a really interesting choice of words), zero follow up on that.

“white people want to make sure that brown people aren’t diluting their vote”

rick scott: “we have very low labor participation right now, I want people to get back to work”

zero pushback, not even a mention of the current unemployment numbers, just fucking awful

Dude why would you ever watch that

I’m a fucking idiot and I hate myself


Yeah. She’s terrible. Scott kept saying he wanted to focus on inflation, and she never pressed him on what to do, as he babbled about tighter spending. And I would never let the guy mention his “business” background without asking for his tips on getting away with medicare fraud.

There needs to be a Sunday show where they do like four live 15 minute interviews with politicians, but the catch is that instead of using a journalist, they let a regular person who’s well-informed do the interview, and they pick new people every week. The politician is not allowed to walk off. Anyone who refuses to go on can be mocked for being scared to be interviewed by a regular constituent.

Imagine watching Riverman interview Rick Scott for 15 minutes, no holds barred. Or me interviewing Nancy Pelosi.

I guess my point is that a semi-competent interviewer who’s not afraid of blowing up their journalistic access could absolutely skewer almost every member of Congress given 15 minutes of live air time. Like career-ending level skewering.

I think with even like 15 minutes of prep, almost every poster here could back most members of Congress into a corner where they either have to admit to sheer incompetence, complete fraudulence, or ill will towards 90% of Americans.

But instead we get these shills pretending that it’s all in good faith and on the up and up.



They could admit all 3 and it won’t change a damn thing for nearly half of the electorate.

Yeah and that’s why your idea would never ever happen because it would expose cable news debate as professional wrestling for ratings and not anything useful.

But yeah something like a show where a mother who’s struggling to get baby formula interviewing politicians about that issue would be great.

My idea for something like this would just to be for random every day people to be pitted against each other for debate, so you’d get like a waiter from California debating a trucker from Montana about the news of the day and it would just be chaos because they’d just be cluelessly lying and have no way to back up anything when pressed and it would show everyone how ignorantly stupid some views are.

One thing I’ve realized when talking politics with friends is that they act like they’re giving a Tucker Carlson monologue and have no idea how to respond when you troll back at them and tell them to stop lying or whatever because they never actually see that on TV so it’s easy to destroy these people when you start playing games with them.

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However good your master interviewers are, they’ll just get filibustered and platform the same dumb racist dogwhistle talking points. The reason why these guys haven’t been ZOMG EXPOSED isn’t that they haven’t been asked the hard hitting and tight fitting questions, imo (though certainly it doesn’t happen often enough). They are stupid fraudulent morons, but like, their literal only skill is just endlessly spouting off crazy bullshit and never ever giving a straight answer.

And, bonus points for it not mattering one tiny little bit even if you did pull off some kind of gnarly debate club takedown miracle and get Marjorie Taylor Greene to slip up and take an inconsistent position on a critical issue. Lulz.