Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

DeSantis trying to mimick Donald Trump and crossing his fingers that Trump dies before 2024.

Except Trump’s stupidity is what makes him charming to his voters.

First election police recruits:

That Hawaiian shirt

Famously he’s the guy who said Real Americans don’t speak foreign languages.


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How is this event still a thing


Decadent and depraved

Nate is a right wing moron part infinity


how is that dumb? GOP is absolutely crushing dems on messaging on this point. Nate observing that isn’t the problem.

Nah. This idea that right-wing bigotry is somehow a reaction to the left is pure gaslighting.

Also, calling Sanders a “contrarian” is kind of lol.

Nate is doing his usual thing where he implies right wing lunacy is just common sense and good politics. Americans absolutely do not support the nazi shit that is the reality of “free speech.” Of course the Dems are fucking up messaging, it’s what they do, but conceding the entire internet to right wing trolls is very much the wrong path.

I agree that americans don’t support the nazi shit but the GOP is absolutely winning the messaging war. It’s “good politics” in that they are objectively better at it than eDems.

is that something in the article (which I didn’t read and there’s no way I’m going to read it)? Because I’m talking specifically about the tweet.

Free speech is a very popular idea with near-universal buy-in across the US political spectrum. The new trend to view it as cringey is confined to a tiny number of journos & academics

these both seem correct

No one really thinks of free speech as cringey. It’s specifically the right’s definition of free speech that is. To the right, free speech means that critics of the right are silenced, and that they have the right to say whatever they want in any private venue. To face disagreement or to be kicked out of somewhere for misbehavior is an infringement on their right. Nate is obfuscating that distinction.

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no, he’s not, he’s pointing out the results of the right obfuscating it. they’re winning the messaging war because the eDem response is this meow chow. They’re mashing emotional buttons and eDem response is basically what’s going on in this thread, a bunch of academic something something gaslighting yada yada that ordinary voters are not listening to at all.

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He’s not saying anything about “messaging.” He’s offering bullshit bad faith “advice” encouraging democrats to just give up and let nazis run free on the internet.



It’s a close race between her and Chuck Todd as to which NBC News critter I most want to be jettisoned into the sun


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