Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Interesting to single out the players here. It’s their labor (and their health risk), they should be getting compensated for it. People like Dan Snyder are the ones who make it all about money to the detriment of game quality imo.




Oh absolutely. I totally agree that it runs much deeper than the players, and I should have said that. Just saying its hard to see much team loyalty anymore in most “team” sports, from the players or the owners. And that I’ve adopted a similar approach. There was a time when I would never think about betting against my hometown team. I grew up in Detroit. Now I’m okay with it. Out of the four major sports, it feels like the greatest sense of team mission is in hockey. They seem to take the winning and losing the hardest in the playoffs.

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please be onion

I mean it is hilarious hearing Hillary accused of the most heinous and disgraceful crimes though. Like the most milquetoast centrist liberal ever, literally friends with Henry Kissinger, and her reward for this friendly attitude towards the center-right is that the right paint her as a traitor to the country. It rules.



Have you read the story? Taking out all the right wing hyperbole it would seems the facts of the case are:

  1. CIA partially declassified memos indicate the CIA was aware she knowingly was using very shaky “intelligence” to smear Trump during the election, and claim he was colluding with Russian agents. And this has been corroborated by a former Director of National Intelligence, who said President Obama was made aware of this at the time.

  2. And through the ongoing Durham investigation we find out she was not only using the “intelligence,” but she may have actually paid for it. And the person she allegedly paid has actually had charges filed against them for lying about this.

–Regardless of what you think about her personality or politics, is this really acceptable behavior by a presidential candidate in your opinion?

I would say it would be nice if our media wasn’t so polarized that one didn’t have to turn to Fox News to get the story and try to parse what actually happened. It seems there is actual meat on the bone here, and the likes of WaPo, NYT, AP, etc. refusing to even acknowledge it is problematic IMO.

LOL that is not remotely what happened. Good god.

Ok, what happened? I read the Fox News article, and google searched if WaPo or Reuters or something had a different version, and couldn’t find a single mention from non right wing media.


I found this after about 8 seconds of Googling.




Layer all this on top of the fact that we all know that Fox is a propaganda network AND that they make their money on seething conservative rage AND nothing attracts rage clicks like Hillary Clinton. All this debunking is pointless tail chasing because Fox is a bullshit machine. When you see something on Fox News, you don’t need to worry about if its true and do all this work.


I mostly skim front pages and dont go diving into opinion sections to find basic facts about stories, but fair enough.