Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

SLEEPY EYES CHUCK TODD with a hard hitting segment about the possibility that trump might have lied about how much some building was worth, strong WE GOT HIM vibes

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Ah yes uneducated zoomers are the reason we have trump, I am very intelligent


This is just Beltway Brain. The country has an obvious deficit of scientific education and knowledge. But sure let’s all watch old Schoolhouse Rock videos about how a bill becomes a law, that’ll fix it.

well no. this is a minor debate also occurring in post-soviet countries. the soviet system had almost no sociology/economics/government education, in favor of a lot of science and math. the propaganda would tell you this made education in russia better, and it did end up producing some very successful science and engineering talent.

but on the hand it left almost all of society with a complete distrust in government institutions, journalism, and “the capitalist west”. it is so bad, that whenever GRU starts putting out antivax or anti government fake news into europe and the usa, the disinformation circles back and creates the same strong anti-sentiment in russia, compounded by internal propaganda of course.

their history education would make oklahoma’s school boards blush. a ton of russians though it was acceptable to start a war to annex crimea and east ukraine, which doesn’t even carry any significant prize as a resource for a nation like russia. it was basically 19th century mindset sold to a 150m people.

anyways, i’m a scientifically minded person, but even i see that education needs more civics and art, not less.


This is a great post, so thanks for that. I find it a bit odd to argue against better scientific literacy in the midst of a global crisis that continues to be driven by widespread anti-science ignorance. Perhaps the common ground here is that we are both saying that what is needed is better developed reasoning skills. There is a role for both science and civics there, certainly.

As an aside, I should add that part of what I object to is specifically DC inside the beltway ideas of what valuable civics looks like. Those guys positively orgasm over the detailed inner workings of Washington and cunning application or rule 48.b.iii. of subsection blah blah blah while the country disintegrates into chaos around them. They can suck my rule 48.b.iii.


just to be clear, i am in favor of both tracks, advanced stem and advanced civics, for all students, and preferably earlier, rather than later. the only way to cram advanced subjects into high school, is to teach more freshman stuff in middle school, etc.


you hate to see it


Fuck off NYT



Who cares about housing costs and student debt when you’re a typical millenial with a family that guzzles down 479 gallons of milk a week?


Still employed


CNN currently on day 300 of coverage of the fucking Louis Vuitton store in SF getting shoplifted, who gives a fuck.

Hot take: I absolutely do not give a shit if Home Depot got robbed, and I double don’t care if the fucking Louis Vuitton store got robbed, who cares, sounds like these moochers need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and pay for their own security rather than expecting taxpayers to solve their problems




My lifelong Democrat father dropped a “the truth is, stop and frisk works” at thanksgiving. People suck.

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we drive by a bus stop on thanksgiving, where two cops were frisking two dudes. sighs of relief were had when it was clear the dudes were white.

It’s been a hundred years since we’ve annexed anything that we still own. 70 years if you count uninhabited or lightly inhabited Pacific islands.

i will not claim better or worse on imperialism. iraq is squarely on our conscience. there’s something to be said that soviet invasion of afghanistan was worse than us invasion, but they are both war crimes. what makes crimea different is that putin cynically chose to start a war in his own front yard while pumping trillions out of the country into offshore accounts.

You just let that go?
