Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I need a WSJ/NYT/WaPo bundle. Would happily pay like $30/mo for this.

Throw in Economist and New Yorker and that would be incredible.

It’s like the cable business model: you bay a bundle for a bunch of stations you never watch. Would be nice if you could just buy a few stations at a reduced price but even with streaming nobody offers that.

Yeah people thought they wanted ala carte cable but then we moved closer to that with streaming and people are pissed they are paying the same with more hassle.

I don’t think we would like the end result of what this pay-per-article business model would be. The kind of articles that will draw the most payments won‘t be those of the highest quality.


Meh, I didn’t mean it had to be their entire business model, but it seems like they are missing out on money by not at least including that option for people like me.

? When did anyone ever offer reasonable a la carte options? Closest thing to that is stuff like NFL Gamepass which is still bloated with crap no one wants.

That would be like asking for a machine that plays Nintendo, XBox, and Playstation games.

I once sat next to a woman on a plane who was mad that no one was making such a machine.

It’s not unusual for people to subscribe to multiple national papers, not sure why any of them would want to get involved with a bundling deal with their competitors like that.

no those are tens of thousands of paid subscriptions. So Matty G has over ten thousand people paying him 8 bucks a month for his posts. Baller.

And it’s sorted by straight cash homey, so my boys Greenwald and Taibbi are pulling in more than 80k a month with their five dollar subscriptions.

What’s really goofy are movie ticket prices: it doesn’t matter if you see a hit Marvel movie on opening day or an indie film no one wants to see, the ticket price is the same. Sometimes they make small corrections for matinee tickets. There was a good Planet Money episode explaining how that happens.

Eventually, we are going to have surge pricing for everything.

Seems like another point in the “individual things that make you money and things that define your business are different” basket.

This has been covered by exactly no major media. Wonder why.


Coal miners are going to find exactly zero powerful allies in a battle with a large investment firm. Rs support investment firms over labour, and Ds are not going to go to battle for coal miners that are wrecking the environment instead of learning to code.


Not a subscriber so unfortunately all you get is this massive teaser from our friends over at WSJ Ed

LOL. Life expectancy had already gone down several years before COVID. COVID dropped life expectancy by 1.5 years in 2020, which is insane.

But yeah the MRNA vaccines that definitely would have happened anyway got a big funding boost so they’ll be here ahead of schedule. Woohoo.

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“Protecting the rights of parents”

Decide for themselves!

Literally just quoting DeSantis’s framing like good little stenographers.


Dude it’s Friday, cut them a break. If you don’t leave by lunch the LIE is a parking lot.

Published like 4 hours after revelations of slam dunk obstruction of justice that makes Watergate look like jaywalking
