Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

lol you’ve posted like 3 or 4 of her tweets this past week criticizing her and liberals on twitter have been attacking her for the last couple weeks.

I’m curious what the obsession is with her, it seems like most people are mad that she ruined Neera’s confirmation somehow or some shit like that?

She is a White House reporter for the Washington Post. She spends her time complaining about Biden not doing enough press conferences and incorrectly critiquing grammar in press releases. She is a disgrace and reflective of the complete failure of beltway journalists to understand their role/job.


The media should hold Biden to a higher standard than Trump. If that’s the bar, Biden will get nothing but gushing praise.

Whining that he’s not doing enough press conferences and critiquing grammar in press releases is not “holding Biden to a higher standard.” Its just stupid.

Trump did infinity press conferences. What did the media get out of that? Exposure of their cowardice and incompetence, while Trump got free airtime to spew bullshit. They have learned nothing.


The media should treat this like the existential crisis it is. Fuck me, it wasn’t that long ago they had to bring helmets to Trump rallies because his “enemy of the people” shit was endangering their lives, now we get the factchecky guys nitting the fuck out of Biden’s grammar.


lol I just looked through her tweets the past week and I don’t think saw any of this “constant complaining” but sure thing

She did do this article with another journalist and it seems fine and lays things out well enough. And of course libs attacked her on that tweet because she’s “paying attention to the negative and helping republicans” or some dumb ass shit like that lol


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Sure “enemy of the people” may endanger lives and give cover to despots murdering journalists all over the world but it’s also fresh and exciting! Won’t you think of the ratings, won’t anyone think of the ratings?

I’ve read a lot of op-eds written in institutional voice, but never third person institutional voice:

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Non-politics but lololol

Peel has been one of the NHL’s most maligned officials, with fans using social media to critique his calls through the years. In 2015, Peel was removed from officiating a New Jersey Devils home game after being photographed at a bar drinking with a reporter. [Editor’s note: The reporter was ESPN’s Greg Wyshynski, the writer of this piece.]

All he really did was say the quiet part out loud. Make up calls have been part of hockey forever.



Democracy Dies in Darkness

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I think someone timed it and 10% (!) of the 4 hour (!) new justice league cut was spent in slow motion.

That’s how you can tell that its art.



Mother of god.

Legit LOL’d but also she has a point in that she is very well qualified to give ignorant Karen takes on day time talk shows and it wouldn’t work as well if an Asian American said the same stupid shit she does.

Obligatory chapo link when someone mentions her name


Qualifications for the job

In rainbow text


Finger on the pulse


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