Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices



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Probably out of money. And with the big names leaving, they really have no prospects for getting the money they need barring an angel investor.

"but I think, I insist that we have to recognize the role he played, the 45th president, in defeating a pandemic that has been so devastating to America and the world.”

Nate is trying to do punditry again. He’s still terrible at it.



Honestly it might be at the very bottom of my “countries I’d like to visit” list.


this seems… perfectly fine? I mean nate has some weird takes but these seem pretty normcore

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that’s not what he said, though. It was more like “chicken littles said it would be worse and that was a bad take” which is pretty accurate

I think Nate’s assessment is pretty accurate, except that he only said its the left that believes Trump’s justices are rubber stamps. Why isn’t he calling out conservatives for having the same belief, and feeling it even stronger than liberals?

The problem is that facts did not disprove liberal fears about the courts helping Trump steal the election.

He lost by 40 electoral votes and he doesn’t have a single decent legal argument. Of course the courts are holding up under these circumstances.

Now imagine a world where the whole election came down to Georgia and its 10,000 vote margin, or to PA with a similar margin. We have absolutely no idea how the courts would have behaved in that scenario.


Saying that a term usually has 1-2 surprise major rulings that go contrary to what liberals predict means…the liberals were mostly correct in their predictions?

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I don’t think so, he’s not excluding any other possible ways the court could be terrible, just that they’re not going to automatically do whatever trump wants on the election specifically, which really was a big thought from nutbags on both the left and right

in the alternative scenario, are you saying that he does have a decent legal argument or not? because that seems to be pretty crucial to whether something is stealing the election or not IMO

Why is it “of course the courts are holding up”?

Why not “of course states aren’t going into sue other states”

“Of course the president isn’t going to still be claiming he won”

“Of course the majority of the GOP would acknowledge Biden won”

“Of course the people will believe in US democracy”

“Of course the states will appoint electors based on the vote”

In light of all these, the fact that the courts have held up is borderline miracle, not a given.

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the fact that these guys will all face ZERO repercussions for this behavior is the really damaging part. As long as Trump can freeroll it, he will, and as long as these dipshits get upside from sucking up to him while facing zero downside, they will. This will happen again and it will be worse next time.



Those pour souls. So much to grapple with!


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I just saw that lol. Some of these journalists are just stone idiots