What is the most obscure thing you do regularly?

if i was any good at the game i wouldn’t work for the house (also i’m pretty sure you missed the joke i was trying to make)

I’m a grown 47 year old man that plays with fast radio controlled cars at an indoor track, sometimes with my daughter.

Not sure how obscure it is, there appears to be lots of middle aged men at the track with me.


I did that for several years too. Got myself and the 2 kids each a 2wd traxxas one year for christmas, and we built ourselves a track. Lived on a farm at the time, so had lots of room. Built my own chassis’, A-arms, battery packs, stuff like that.

Had way more fun building them than running them, so switched to crawlers, then scalers. About the time I got bored of it the kids were moving out, and my nephew was old enough for it so he inherited all my junk.


I absolutely love Dominion.

I also love Daria. It’s one of my all-time favorite cartoons. Possibly has the best soundtrack of any TV cartoon show ever. I’ve binge-watched it multiple times in 2021.

In what universe is Daria obscure?

Mention it to a bunch of zoomers and their response is rarely oh I’ve heard of that.

This really evolved into a “things you like to do thread” anyhow.

Speaking of somewhat obscure things though, has anyone ever played the Dominions strategy games? Not the card game mentioned above. It’s a bizarre and very in-depth fantasy strategy game that has all kinds of unexpected interactions. It’s hard for me to describe but my feeling about it is that it exists outside of the traditional gaming space; I’ve seen it described as basically a living world that the developers set loose for players to discover how things work (partly because it’s notoriously obtuse). I can’t say I “regularly” play it since I haven’t touched one for over ten years but it came up today in one of my Discord servers so I was just curious if anyone here had ever seen it.

I guess if you like obscure shit then that’s what it is.

so they’re like gifs but better

As my covid project - I’ve become obsessed with walking every interesting street in LA (IE - not cookie cutter houses) - starting with my Redondo Beach neighborhood and working outwards. I get really excited when I find secret trails or stairs, weird houses, views, vestigial streets, old houses that nobody’s touched for 50 years next to a McMansion, crazy mansions that are completely out of place, anything weird.

If I’m near water I always hug the perimeter. Even if my feet are sore I have to get out there. It’s fun when it’s a place I’ve driven by 100s of times but never really explored. Time slows down when you’re walking, even familiar stuff seems more interesting. I’ve driven by Mira Costa high school 500x and I never noticed there’s a gigantic hollow right across the street - with ducks!

Every day I look forward to seeing new stuff and I really look forward to the weekends. I usually do 2 hours every weekday afternoon and up to 6/day on the weekends. I try to avoid the middle of the day. I’m doing Palos Verdes peninsula on the weekdays and working my way up the coast to the north on the weekends. I’m doing Venice this weekend. I’ve seen insane views at night in PV that I’ve lived here 20 years and never explored before, or weird stuff like 1/4 mile from my house that I never noticed.

I wonder if wellbutrin causes this kind of weird fixation? In any case I’m getting exercise.


That’s awesome. I have an aunt and uncle who lived at the top of Palos Verdes until this past summer. Some truly incredible views of the ocean and LA from the higher points. If you can ever get up there for the evening on 4th of July, it is awe inspiring. You can see every firework shot off across the entire LA valley. The entire sky, albeit below your vantage point, is lit up continuously for hours on end. Words do not do it justice.


Don’t know much about darts, but why does it say “180” when the picture is showing a 150?

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