What is the most obscure thing you do regularly?

You should double check those prices anyway. The duals that were $20 in my childhood are hundreds now, soon to be thousands. Condition is everything, obviously. Biggest shock of my life is how something I liked when I was 10 is now one of the largest and most profitable hobbies on the planet. Those $80 sliver decks the rich kids had can now buy a car.

These are the first magic cards I’ve bought in 15 years. I’ve bought a collection completely in the dark (very few pictures of the thousands of cards)- if I bink anything good I’ll post the juicy pics.

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yea those prices were as of sometime in the last year. I played as a kid and then got into legacy when i was in college for a while which was 2005ish. legacy had just started then and duals were still 20-30. I had a bigger collection but i sold a fair amount of it a decade or so ago because i was out of college married with a baby and needed the money. gl on finding something, i guess its possible to hit something big if someones selling a deceased relatives collection or something and has no idea.

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It feels crazy to us because we’re like “oh yeah that’s a Time Walk why throw that out?!” but to many people it’s just cardboard (or worse: clutter). Estate sales are notorious for families disposing infinite value to whomever happens to show up that day. We just happen to know about this tiny bit of collecting but it’s the same with priceless art, antiquity, clothes.

Smartphones have bridged the knowledge gap but sometimes only the actual collector knows the true provenance/value of something. I love the sustainability of thrifting and stuff lasting forever so I <3 the rising popularity of vintage and auctions and reusing.

What have I done?! Talk about mixed feelings.

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sick! let me know whats in there.

i feel like sine they are in binders should be some good stuff in there

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Will be pretty sick if it’s all commons.

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I got into Magic right around unlimited/revised. Sick that if I had gotten into it a year earlier…I know I used to have a few dual lands, but for whatever reason the count is down to 1.

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Brag: It’s a bunch of complete sets!
Bigger brag: there’s duplicates of some key rares!
Beat: Someone stole a few of the money rares including mox diamonds and some reserved list lands. Their slots are empty. I was never technically told they were there so I have no recourse.
Biggest beat: One binder was labeled:

Spoiler: It was chronicles.

Variance: After the cards were the auction’s most expensive item last week the house notified a bunch more people when they sold the second half the next week. A full mint set of saga and tempest went for, like, 5-6k or something stupid.


There must be tons of counterfeits floating around if dummies are paying that much for cheap cardboard.

Have you read Nomadland?

I travel to Scottsdale once a year to play pan with a group that comes from all over the country to play.

Varies from 7 to 14 people each year. This is the first year in missing since we started 12 years ago.

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I sold off four cards. He spent five minutes with a jewelers loupe when he picked them up. He messaged me 4 hours later begging me to accept $20 to just return them. I asked why and he spent half an hour explaining to me why they were fake. I told him to go embarrass himself at a local gaming store.

He messages me an hour later apologizing. These cards are grading quality and glossy so bro couldn’t believe they were real.


I started playing at Classic 6th. Played for 6-7 years. Restarted in my late 20s but the MtG community is way too serious. Tried to play online but didn’t know anyone to play against.

I played from revised to urza’s destiny. The cards started feeling OP so I stopped and then started again around maybe zendikar for a couple years online. Haven’t touched it in a long time. Not going to start again. The prices have exploded. They’re also borrowing heavily from sports cards and releasing $100 specialty boosters, more and more chase rarity and variants, etc. It’s all about the benjies.

like c’mon.

That’s a hell of a design.

I loved MtG and made a bunch of friends in high school/college through it (booster drafts were the best imo) but I blew a ton of cash on those cards.

The best card in all of magic is the credit card.


Yeah limited booster drafts and cube are the only gentlemanly way to play magic.

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If you’re still up for drafting the guy linked in the op will help you maximise your value for money. You can get a lot of play for not much money on the new sets. MTG Arena is super solid and user friendly.
