What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

I suck at cash game poker now as evidenced by my results last week on the strip but the random river bet when passive the whole hand is almost always something strong.

Of course if RM shoves the river it’s kind of strong, but if they look like a massive fish I’m still value betting 10s+ and not folding bc I’ve seen idiots do that with A9o then give you the “what could I do I’m so unlucky” face.

Dude has bet over 200bb into a super dry board after 3b, they’re not folding for under 100 more getting great odds.
If I’m villain I’m absolutely fine stacking off JJ+ and when they have 56, a5, 22, 44, 99 well that sucks.

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Villain potted the turn. Hero should be shipping the river all day.

Villain’s range is like 10 hands wide and hero is beating 9 of them. I’d argue his weighted range has 99 at the bottom.

Just calling the river is results oriented lolbad.


Nice. I’m waiting on aria 1/3. Watch out, we got a badass over here.


Flying in tomorrow. Goals are to breakeven, eat a steak and not get covid.


JFC. Half of UP in Vegas this month.


KK hand- 100 cbet into 200 pot?
A hits and just check the turn? I’d rather bet and take it there or bet/fold wo a read. You said she was active preflop so I discount an A from her likely holding.

She has pretty standard at least call on the flop. 992 misses you unless you have exactly a pocket pair. She probably should have raised and the folded if you 3!

But I’m a limit player so my NL cash skillz suck. But I do think turtling on the turn ace is just giving up. Id rather make a moderate investment now. Not that many are going to call and then bang the river if you show strength. Well unless they bip a two outer. But they gotta call the turn to get there.

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Man I had heard the aria sucked but I didn’t know it was “22 year old talking about range advantage and tanking vs every river bet > $20” level of suck.


This is a random question, but where would you get the best doughnut in Vegas?

I quit after this hand.

Button has the rock. I call in the SB with KJT9ds. A bunch of limpers. A passive button pots it to 75. 6 people to the flop, which is K83r, giving me top pair, outs against any two pair, two backdoor flush draws, and a backdoor straight draw.

I have a bit less than a pot-sized bet and I shove, which I would also do with KK and 88. One player tank-calls with 33xx. We run it twice. I don’t hit any of my backdoors and leave.


Those people aren’t even good at poker, they just consume a ton of poker content and have to let you know about it. They have absolutely no idea how to implement all the strategies they consume, which is just pathetic.

It’s why they’re playing 1/3. They’re cosplaying as a winning poker player in microstakes. They know the words to fool casuals into thinking they’re a smart, winning player but it’s all just an act.


If I start w/a call it’s to 4b pot pre. You’re going to a flop oop 6 way, you’re not folding out hands that beat you and you don’t have any great draws.

Just not a good place to stack off oop 6 way. It’s a punt.

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What happened on the 65dd hand? I need closure!

you mean only the river sizing? because I’m pretty sure mediocre live regs make their living by c/r the turn vs tourists and stacking AK/AQ there.

the river sizing is on the larger end but it’s not an overbet or something. i’m guessing she just bets big for value all the time and if you don’t mix up your bet sizing, it’s probably better to be on the larger size.

This could have been our crush the world event. UP invades Vegas. All your talk here has me ready to donk off a few $1500 WSOP tourneys.

Also, found out there was a $200 buyin tourney this last weekend with 80 entrants near me. I’m out of the loop. I’d definitely need to drink because they are all Trumpers guaranteed.

They didn’t cr the turn though and I always hate when it seems like you’re making a river bet a certain sizing bc you missed out on turn value.

I just dont think on those kind of runouts they beat AK often enough to only bet 1 Street and don’t get called often enough when they do.

The theme of these hands is often the player out of position seems to have played poorly. It’s because playing out of position sucks, it’s very tough to get as many bets/value as you want and most of these hands would be better off folding oop.

I am almost too embarrassed to post the results, but I called and won against A5s.

I suck. Did win about $1500 for the trip, covering most expenses. Till next time.


I appreciate your humility in posting hands. I fuck up every hand I play so I won’t post a hand until I accidentally make a really slick play.

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Ok I think you are trolling at this point. I guess if I played against you everyday you would have me confused but flatting this then shoving against 6 players is absurd.

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Question for Riverman (or really any of the married bros that do solo Vegas trips).

I’m convinced that the solo Vegas trip has a lot going for it, but I’d have a hard time pulling it off as Mme Melkerson would not be that pleased if I just took off on a solo trip to Vegas and left her with the kids. I’ve done a couple of solo trips, but they are all ones where I have some work-related reason to be there, so it’s not quite the same when I have other shit to do.

Does Mrs. Riverman take a couple of solo trips somewhere also? Is there some other consideration? Is it just nbd?