What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

it’s like tape.

Why walk away? Gotta roll for the story!

Was already extremely uncomfortable. Would have been even worse if I lost the guy a house on my roll.

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I’m lucky so I would have rolled!

Absolute sweepstakes at the Wynn, hotel is at 100% capacity.

But what if instead he goes on a crazy run on your roll? Gotta think of the positive side!

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Might have got tipped on a hot roll in the process

Got to see a guy straddle his girlfriend in public.


Normally it works better the other way around.

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MGM Grand is one of the few Vegas poker rooms currently open that I have never played in, until now.


Is that Tom Hiddleston?

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Woke up early on day 1 and stumbled down to the poker room before breakfast. Am promptly felted when my kings run into a set, luckily at 1-3. The early morning games are always terrible but I never learn.

Breakfast at Jardin was good.

Next up, pool. It was 100 at 9am. Put in AirPods and drifted in and out of sleep. I’m too old for this scene, which is getting fairly wild even in the morning. Those people were in for some crippling hangovers.

After lunch, played poker all afternoon. Won 400 but zero memorable hands. The games were just terrible, all regs/pros. Lots of people were there playing, so I wouldn’t say poker is dead, but there is so little action.

Dinner at Mizumi sucked. I was really looking forward to it but the value was just awful. I got the 11 piece nigiri option and 2 of them were omelette pieces? Come on.

From there, off to a mega-tilting poker session where I lost with KK three more times (0/4 on trip for those scoring at home). I got raised on the turn on a super dry board by a tight player and let it go on the last one; the other two were standard A high boards. Was tired and just decided to quit for the night. Some guy at my table lost $5k on the Nets and was gutted.

Slept 7 hours, ready for a new day.


I am seated next to Lincoln Project super douche Rick Wilson at breakfast.


Slept seven hours on first day (or two)? That’s pretty good. For some reason, I can only sleep about three hours, and not well, for the first two or three nights in Vegas. Eventually, it catches up to me and I go out like a rock for eight hours, but generally speaking I can’t sleep well in that town.

Was it a button straddle?


For real? How did you tell him off?

I’m a pretty big pussy in real life. Also was only like 90% sure it was him, he has a super generic look, though the signature glasses made it far more likely.

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Guessing this describes most of us. Me for sure!

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Oh man, have a doozy. Bellagio 5-10.

Very solid EP raiser to 30, MP call, I call with black jacks in the small blind.

Flop J 9 4. I check, EP 50, LP call, I CR to 230, both call.

Turn 8, brings flush draw. Move?

I checked. EP bets 500, LP shoves 1300, I cover. I know nothing about LP, seems tight.

Anyone folding?