What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

We’ve got the rare NBZ typo. Are you OK, buddy?

I’ve seen that setup a couple of times. I assume that there is some analysis that shows it is more efficient for some combination of number of floors and available elevators.

lol i just realized I have a ‘comped’ booking for Tuesday at Aria and I’ve passed their cancelation period(which is 72 hours, real nice policy there). It says I will be charged $165 if I don’t show up and they are closed so no one to talk to.

Can’t make it there this week. I wonder if I’ll be able to convince them on the phone.

The hack I’ve heard is move the booking a week ahead, which is often free, then call back in a day and cancel that one, now well within the cancelation period.


A couple of hands from the graveyard 1-2 at the Nugget. A couple of drunk LAGs at the table to my left.

I have 120. I limp UTG with TT because at least one drooler always raises and I can squeeze the loose passives in the middle. Drooler #1 folds. Drooler#2 raises to 16. Call, call. I jam. Everyone fold to the last player, who takes a long time, cuts out chips, and finally calls.

The flop is JT2 all clubs. I feel pretty good. The turn is the K :clubs: . The river is the 8 :diamonds:

I lose to a set of kings.

I get almost back to even with this hand.

Drunk LAG#2 opens for 17. One caller. I choose to flat on the button with KK because the guy has been betting garbage for multiple streets.

Flop is AQ6r. Check to me. I bet 25. LAG min c/r to 50. A folder and I call. Turn is Q :clubs: putting a backdoor flush out there. Villain jams for somewhere between 110 and 125. I think for a moment and, having played with this guy for about 45 minutes, decide that the preponderance of the evidence suggests this guy is a fucking moron and call. The river bricks out and he shows T :clubs: 9 :clubs: . Good read me.

The guy asks me how I can call and walks away. The table gets very boring and very limpy after that and I end up cashing for 420, or up 20.

I got propositioned by one hooker, a black girl with a face mask on her chin who asked me if I wanted a good time. Is it racist to point out that the people who wear a face mask but keep it pulled down below their mouth appear to be disproportionately black in Las Vegas?

Meanwhile, I am currently at the Paradise Cafe in the Fremont and one party of six has half the table with their masks fully on while waiting for the rest to finish.

If you want to gamble in Vegas and prefer to be around more people masking up, clearly Boyd properties are the way to go.

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Loco Moco. I don’t want to walk to Aloha Specialties.


That’s what replaced by beloved Glitter Gulch? BOOO

Is the Fremont Street Experience laser show thing done?

What laser show thing? They upgraded the video display on the canopy a few years ago.

Chicas Bonitas isn’t that far away.

Canopy is what I meant. I didn’t see it in that pic.

Is the egg white really runny or is it just the picture? Never had l loco moco. I guess it’s tastier than it looks.

Love loco moco but yeah it’s just a rice bed with gravy and eggs on a beef patty so not real photogenic.

Notice he doesn’t directly deny taking her up on the offer.

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I was coming from the rear via the Cal.

The egg white was not runny, just shiny.

This throws a bit of a wrench in my Omega Mart - Lotus - Downtown plan.


But then…


jfc man

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Well, I was propositioned on my way to the poker room and I played poker, so draw your own conclusions.

One of the guys I was playing with volunteered how back in the day he would spend time between hands scrolling through Craigslist and cashing out when he was up enough for a woman. I did not check it out, but he recommended a site called Plenty of Fish for people who are into that sort of thing.

I don’t know if I mentioned the guy at the Wynn who was a complete poker degen on a heater (mid five figures) and asking about women he could rent when he didn’t even have a room for the night and had been sleeping in his car. He also inquired about a run and tug. I told him that he’s a gambler, so he should just drive down Spring Mountain, pick a place, and take a risk. Not sure what he did.

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FYI - it’s “rub and tug”.

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I get more typos posting on my phone. It was possibly auto correct I didn’t notice.

I probably need to self ban myself from Chicas Bonitas. My weakness is Latinas. That said, once I discovered Swingers clubs, strip clubs are just not the same.

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