What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

I was really bored around 2am and didn’t wanna go to bed so I was just drinking at the lobby bar. I met these 2 girls who were like 25 and a couple but made it very clear to me from the beginning they were bisexual. I bought several rounds of drinks and asked them if they wanted to come up to my room to party some more, and they obliged. The rest will probably stay in vegas I think. It was def a bucket list thing.

I didn’t do as well as I wanted to in poker, kept it pretty low stakes but was playing/running horribly. The red rock canyon drive was cool. Top golf very fun, but overpriced. Would be really fun to do on like a birthday party or something. I wish there was one closer.

I mostly ate whatever was convenient. Tacos y Margaritas on the casino floor was surprisingly good mexican food. On saturday I had brunch at PBR rock bar in miracle mile with my friend who was also in town. Also overpriced, but not bad.

Honestly it was so crowded, and my anxiety got pretty bad the first day or so because of it. Felt very odd not wearing a mask. I’m gonna lay low for a few weeks in case I got covid, but I’m not very worried for myself. The trip was looking pretty mediocre until last night. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to top that experience. It may have ruined me for any kind of normal vegas experience after this.


oh man you seriously undersold it with the ‘got laid’ post then.


jk congrats on the sex


I know, right. Understatement of the year.

That’s the sort of thing that seems like such a massive stroke of luck, that I’d have been slightly worried the whole time that I was gonna end up in the bathub with a kidney missing. Glad it turned out as advertised, jmakin.


they weren’t giving off bad vibes. usually sketchy people in vegas seem quite sketchy. Idk. I am pretty good at reading people and they seemed harmless. We were having a lot of fun at the bar and that is pretty hard to fake if your intentions are malicious. I honestly didn’t even have a thought that anything could go wrong. Maybe that ends badly for me sometimes but there’s nothing they really could have stolen from me other than my laptop, which is easy to replace. Keep your shit in the safe and always deadbolt the door if you’re with strangers in any room in vegas.

How long did it take for you to determine that they weren’t working? At least that had to have been on your mind.

Tbh i would not have cared either way. usually those types will try to determine how much money you have to spend and then quickly try to get it out of you, these girls just seemed like they wanted to have a good time. The fact I had a ton of weed back in my room definitely helped. I thought they may have been working because they didn’t tell me much about themselves and just made jokes every time I asked what they were doing in vegas. They might have been strippers but they weren’t from vegas, they were from AZ and just came in from like a 9 hour drive or something so they wanted to get fucked up and party and I think I was just the lucky SOB in their path lol. I did spend an obscene amount on drinks so it wasn’t like it was cheap.

One is still texting me.


It only takes me about 10 seconds to determine if the girl I’m talking to is working. The fact that they’re talking to me is usually a dead giveaway.


I feel like @jmakin has just set the bar for all of our upcoming Vegas trips this summer. Challenge accepted, sir. I hope Mrs. Tilted is feeling adventurous.


The one SFW picture in the bunch:


The late night Vegas threesome is a good bucket list item to check off. Nice work @jmakin

If Mrs. Tilted is even up for that, I think you’ve won the game. Finding a unicorn is tough I’m sure. But it’s got to be orders of magnitude more likely than what jmakin walked into. And you’ve got a lifetime (or at least a good long time) to find one.

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Not sure why I’m mentioning it but i’m like 99% sure I can get my wife on board with an fmf threesome if I also commit to an mmf and if that ever happens I want it to be in Vegas.

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Are you trolling unstuck for mmf candidates?

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So you want you and the wife to hook up with some random dude you meet in Vegas?


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very, very curious that the prior was specifically FMF and this one was MMF.

@clovis8 thoughts?

We’ve had a couple MFMF excursion so I don’t see why I couldn’t talk her into a FFM. Seems like a great chance to try. I swear after a year of COVID it feels like everyone is down for anything. Roaring 20s 2.0.

If he picks me his wife will be enamored with him for life and think she got a much better deal than she probably did.


I’m not sure what you are asking?