What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

Tasting menu.


So funny. I consider myself someone who “could” be a beer snob, but I’m not. Stella is a solid beer for what it is imo.

ETA: hey I got my hat!

Cotton candy foie gras has to be one of those signs of the apocalypse.

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ironically it’s actually the signature dish of rural Indiana.

sounds incredible tilted, share some pics.

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Fucking this. Im dying here

Ive always been rather picky, but lately Ive begun realizing that good chefs really know what theyre doing. Went to a french restaurant not too long ago and got both escsargot and pate and both were fucking incredible. If I ever went for a tasting menu I would eat everything regardless of any preconceived dislikes, becauss these guys know their shit


Finishing up now. I got pics of everything I’ll post. Elite dinner.


I’ve done quite a few tasting menus and I don’t think I’ve ever not ate a dish that was put in front of me. Even if it was composed of stuff I don’t normally like I still give it a go, it usually is much better than my brain thinks it should be

I think the only thing I would truly struggle with is something composed primarily of banana. Its by far my most hated food.

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Oh hell yeah

Spicy boy marg at Ghost Donkey now at Opium


Looks delicious man

I went there like 4 or 5 years ago and I don’t think that tasting menu has changed.

Hope you got pictures of the dessert cart thing.

Only one way to get unstuck on the last day.


Wait! Where are elite dinner pics?

I tried to post them but it kept failing on my phone. I’ll need to do it on my laptop.

I mean, I appreciate the pre-orgy blue room pics, but I’m here for ELITE BEEF




Awwwww yeah, though, tbqh, thats a lot of grey band for a pricey meal

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I sense a rebranding opportunity

And potentially a war with REDACTED if it takes off