What are you listening to

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One of only two operas I’ve walked out of. Sugary, well-perfumed, hideous. Listened to your post anyway.

New Run The Jewels is fire.

Yea it’s so good. I’ve listened to Ju$t like 10 times today. Zach De La Rocha should just be a permanent third member at this point.

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Which part do you play? I am listening to this now. Great opening phrase, shades of Rage Against the Machine’s “Wake Up” and is perhaps what I think the music would sound like if put in the hands of a radio-minded producer. Singer sounds like a young Chris Cornell resisting the urge to scream in falsetto. The chorus has an excellent arrangement and mix.

I especially love the bridge between 3:10-3:35. In fiction writing, we use a similar technique as music writing. Just before the final climax/chorus, the author drops the energy real low. A lot can be happening, but it needs to feel simple, quiet, almost empty. It sets the audience up to expect something big to happen. More than that, it sets the audience up to NEED something big to happen because they feel/hear/see so much surprisingly empty space.

That is what I experience in this section of your song. The music grows quiet, the vocals disappear, the guitar and drums work together for a simple but powerful hook to keep us going until 3:35-3:36 when the music STOPS…but then your singer comes back with the biggest version of the chorus, and damn does it FEEL big after that moment of silence.

Are you guys working on anything with a higher or faster energy? Let us know when you have more tracks available :+1:

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Anyone interested in creating playlists for each other? We give some criteria and the other person sets out.

I like creating playlists that manifest a particular kind of experience. So I guess like concept playlists? The Operation Mindcrime of Unstuck playlists.

Remember the teenage opera singer sensation Charlotte Church? Not a huge fan of the classical stuff that brought her fame, but she has made some amazing music in recent years that defies expectation and leaves the classical era far behind.

And a live (ish LOL) version.

Thanks for the kind feedback. I play drums. I’ll let you know if we post anything else! Covid has been keeping us away but hopefully we can get back in action soon enough.

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Was watching Daria and this became an earworm

Some new Sierra Ferrell.


I read this:

I thought of this:

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